CHAPTER TWO: The party.

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Me and Wanda arrive at the doors that lead to the room of the party, I glance around the room, instantly noticing the loud, blaring music and the sweet, sweet smell of alcohol. There are lots of bustling people, however I notice none of them seem to be any of the other avengers. I turn to Wanda, confused but before I can say anything, she grabs my hand and whispers 'follow me'. She leads me to a tall, winding staircase with a sign that clearly states 'OUT OF BOUNDS' in large, bold writing. 'you know, that seems pretty clear to me' I say to Wanda expressing concern. She just laughs and ducks under the rope holding the sign in place, dragging me with her. After what seems like an eternity climbing the stairs, we come to a small, wooden door. 'curious, everything else in this place is so modern' I think to myself' Wanda reaches for the handle and gives it a quick turn, gently pushing the door. It swings open and we walk inside.
'Wait...y/n' She lets go of my hand and turns so she's facing me. 'Before we see the others, do you want to talk about Nat?'
'H-how did you know it's abou- oh the mind reading' I reply nervously, looking down at the floor.
'Hey, look at me' she pulls my chin up and our eyes meet. 'You don't have to be nervous around me, okay?' She says comfortingly. I smile gratefully and we both move closer to each other. She moves her hand to my cheek, so my face is resting in her palm. We slowly inch closer to each other until our foreheads are touching. I can feel her warm breath on my face. Suddenly we hear a shout from a nearby door and we spring apart.
'Hey guys, what took you so long, come on!' it was Peter. He hadn't seen anything.
'we're just coming Peter, thanks.' Wanda replies. Turning back to me she says, 'Come on, we don't want to keep them waiting any longer'. I nod and we hurry to the door Peter was shouting from. Inside all of the other Avengers are sat on beanbags that cover the floor along with decorative cushions. Strung up around old eaves are rows of twinkly fairy lights. The light is warm, comforting.
'Hey, what took you two so long?' Steve asks looking at us expectantly. I look at Wanda, who is also, clearly, expecting me to answer.
'Oh, I just got lost, actually I had no idea this place even existed, Wanda was just helping me find the way' I tell everyone, they seem to believe me.
Wanda looks at me and says 'thank you' in her mind. I give her a subtle nod and quick smile, noticed only by Nat.
'Well, that makes sense I suppose' Steve says gesturing for us to come and sit down.
'Well, I'm bored, let's play a game, how about truth or dare?' Loki asks from his bean bag which he had placed in the furthest corner from everyone else. I am about to tell Loki that though truth or dare is a child's game, we should play anyway, but a searing pain rushes through my head again, and I feel myself unable to speak or even wince in pain. I find myself, going to sit next to Wanda, which I don't mind, except for the fact it's involuntary and I can't do anything about it. No one else notices anything wrong with me and are all making fun of Loki for wanting to play truth or dare. That is, everyone except Nat. Everything suddenly goes quiet and I can hear only Nat's voice filling my head. 'Right, so y/n, I know you can hear me, I need to talk to you about a problem we have, come to my room at 2:00am, Don't be late.' She releases me from the obvious mind control, and I'm disoriented as the sounds of everyone else laughing and chatting fills my head again. I recover quickly though, and glare over at her. Wanda sees this and reaches for my hand interlocking her fingers with mine. It instantly calms me, and I give her hand a light squeeze in thanks.
'I think we should all stop talking about truth or dare and remember the tradition we have for whenever someone new joins' Nat says in response to Wanda holding my hand.
'And what might that be?' I ask, my voice cold and unwavering. At this point, Thor pipes up and seems a little too eager to explain.
'Right so it's basically just that game, Spin the bottle, is that what you mortals call it?' he asks looking around the room for confirmation and getting it from Steve in the form of a gentle nod.
'Yes, so you're going to have to spin the bottle and whoever it lands on you have to kiss for ten seconds' he explains.
'Ok, sounds like so much fun' I say rolling my eyes at everyone. They all just laugh at me and start moving the beanbags out of the way and form a surprisingly well-made circle. I sit opposite Wanda, and in between Nat and Steve.
'Well, someone pass me a bottle then' I laugh, Loki throws one at me, expecting me to miss but I catch it without even looking. 'Thanks Loki' I say placing the bottle in the middle of the circle, whilst everyone giggles at him.
'Right, you guys all ready then?' I ask, not waiting for an answer and spinning the bottle. It spins for what seems like hours, before finally slowing and passing Tony and peter (why are they even in the circle? you question glad it won't land on them). It passes Wanda before slowing considerably just making it past Thor, Steve, and myself, and coming to a stop at...Nat.
'Of course, it would land on you' I say rolling my eyes with disgust.
'What, scared you might catch feelings, Mendez?' Nat laughs sarcastically.
'Definitely not' I respond coldly, staring at her.
'Alright, well stop giving me the death stare and kiss me then' she says with a smirk.
I look her in the eyes, with a slightly softer expression, I hadn't realised how pretty her eyes were before now. She came closer to me, pulling me up to my feet and putting her hands on my waist. She leant in, until our faces were only centimetres apart, not breaking eye contact with me. She closes her eyes and moves closer still, my hands are wrapped around her neck, our noses touch, I can feel her breath against my face and suddenly there's an explosion from downstairs. We break apart and everyone else gets up.
'What was that?' Peter asks seeming a lot more nervous than everyone else.
'Sounded like an explosion...' I say, noticing everyone else is taking too long, and hearing the panic of the people on the floor below us.
'That's it, you're all taking too long' I run and jump through the window before anyone can stop me and use my powers to catch myself as I'm falling. I fly through an already broken window (from the explosion I assume) and scan the room. I see an Oven on fire at the far side of the room and sigh in relief grabbing a fire extinguisher. 'phew, not a bomb' I think walking over to the fire and extinguishing it in one go. At this point, the others all arrive and look distraught at my having jumped out a window, yet relieved that nothing serious happened. Wanda runs and hugs me, which I reciprocate.
'Hey, I'm fine, don't worry' I whisper in her ear comfortingly.
'Don't scare me like that', she says releasing me from the hug and giving me a kind, but worried smile.
I give her a wink and turn back to the others, who are inspecting the damage on the oven.
'Well, after that, I'm quite tired, I'm heading off to bed, see you all tomorrow!' they all nod their goodnight and I walk off down the hallway to my room.

Ms. Mendez *discontinued*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon