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Becky knocked on Bayley's door about four time before Mandy walks out with Bayley

Mandy: see you later

Bayley nods and they gives one last kiss before Mandy left Bayley licked her lips then Becky threw an empty cup at Bayley's head

Bayley: Asshole oww

Becky: another girl really

Bayley: Hey let me live ok

Becky: Put your shirt on and jacket let's go

Bayley puts on her shirt a benie and a jacket with a Fannie pack around her shoulder that went across her check


Sasha was sitting at a park with Ryu playing fetch and this made her smile

Sasha: Go get it Ryu go get it

Bayley: I'm telling you I can get any women I want

Becky: How explain that

Bayley Easy they want and I give them what they want

Bayley spots Sasha playing with her puppy

Bayley: Look at that baddie

Becky sees a girl with blue hair a hat on and blue Jean shorts with a tight beater

Becky: Pam let's just go-

Bayley and Becky turn around then a ball comes towards Bayley picks it up a Corgi comes running at her and Bayley bends down to pet him then Sasha comes over and Bayley turns to Becky

Bayley: like catching fish

Becky rolls her eyes and Sasha comes over

Sasha: thank you so much sorry my throw isn't the best

Bayley: oh well I could teach you

Bayley gets closer to Sasha but Sasha walks back and Becky and Bayley were taken aback

Sasha: I'm good

Bayley: hehe it's cool my names Bayley

Bayley holds out her hand and Sasha shakes it

Sasha: uh Mercedes but everyone calls me Sasha

Bayley: oh both are beautiful and Sexy names..soo uh Whats up can I get your number

Sasha: oh uhh

Bayley had a confident smirks but soon disappeared

Sasha: oh I'm good honestly but that was nice to meet you and uh

Becky: oh Becky

Becky and Sasha shake her hand as well

Sasha: uh live around here?

Becky: Yeah I'm across the street just thought we take a walk before I pick up my son from my ex wife

Sasha: oh how old

Becky: uh he's 3

Sasha: Aw what his name

Becky: Jaxon-Lynch-Flair

Sasha: cute

Bayley: uh hey after that I was gonna go to a party really nice V.I.P what do you say we go together

Sasha: We've only met for 3 mins and you already want to date

Bayley: Yeah why not you fine asf and

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