FUCK YOU! but wait i love you

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Bayley was cuddles up with Sasha watching Glass

Bayley then gets a call from Paige

Bayley: Hello?....right now....I...no sir.....okay I'll be down there

Sasha pauses the movie

Sasha: you wanna finish it later

Bayley nods as she puts on her Jacket and Benie

Bayley: Hey um Sasha...what are we

Sasha pretending to be checking her phone and Bayley caught on as she took Bayley's phone and Sasha snatched it back

Sasha: Stoooop

Bayley: you heard me

Sasha shrugged

Bayley: fuck you mean? That's not an answer

Sasha: Meaning idk friends

Bayley was taken a back

Bayley: friends? Really!?..after all we have been through after all those times we're friends really?

Sasha: Bayley chill out

Sasha blew it all off and jumped back in the bed and Bayley took a deep breathe before saying

Bayley: Are you still with Cody

Sasha looked up from her phone I in a worried look and for Bayley that said it all

Bayley: You know what

Bayley takes off the bracelet Sasha and her got when they were walking in town last week and the necklace Sasha made for Bayley

Sasha: Bayley

Bayley threw the bracelet and Necklace against the wall

Bayley: You was a hoe anyways

Sasha bolted up in anger

Sasha: WHAT!?

Bayley: you heard me Sasha you a hoe you hop from one dick to another until you ready to settle but your case that'll be never

Sasha: so now we acting like you virgin your the biggest slut I know and 80 body count

Bayley: at least I'm a hoe and can admit it nothing worse than a hoe in denial


Bayley: *shakes her head* Are you sure *low tone*

Bayley walks away as hot tears are streaming down Sasha face Sasha wanted to say something but she got on the stairs as Bayley was coming down




Bayley: FUCK YOU

This went on all the way until Bayley slammed the door and Sasha was sitting on the stairs balling her eyes out, Bayley cried at the doorstep but hopped inside her car and Screamed "FUCKKK" as she punched the steering wheel and drove to the location where she was called


Becky was back at the Mafia hideout with Braun and Buddy and Kevin Apollo playing Football with Jaxson

Jaxson: hehehe found you

Buddy: see you did little buddy good job

Eve walks up as Becky is watching

Eve: You need to get back with your ex and have another one Jaxson is so precious

Becky chuckled

Becky: thank you

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