Guilty Funeral

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Sasha woke to Bayley not being in bed but she knew Bayley would stay in her bed all night she had things to do so Sasha took a shower and during the shower she had flashbacks of last night when she shot Santana and it shocked her she kept spiraling in her mind until she heard her doorbell ring when she opened it she saw the last person she ever wanted to see

Sammy: Hey Sasha

Sasha: wh-*swallows what Sammy

Sammy: listen I know I'm the last person that you want to see

Sasha: Fuck yes 😒

Sammy: Please Sasha 🥺-ow

Sammy grabbed his side where he was shot

Sammy: m-my friend Ortiz passed away last night he was shot at the great park but some person the police have no idea who it is

Sasha felt her heart sink she knew Santana was shot but didn't know he died on the spot she had to stay calm on the outside but on the inside she was freaking out

Sammy: Could you please um attend my friends funeral and be my plus 1 I promise I won't do anything 🥺

Sasha didn't want a repeat at the club but then she saw this new side of him he barely gave her eye contact he looked hurt and quiet

Sammy: I just need someone to be with right now

Sasha noded

Sasha: y-yeah when's the funeral

Sammy: at 2:30 I can drive if you want

Sasha knew it would be a risk but she noded as Sammy walked away to his group she saw MJF who was banded at the head she quickly close the door and tried to call Bayley and text but no reply so

1 hours later

Sasha got dressed and before the funeral she texted Bayley friend and asked her where Bayley of Bayley's friend gave her the address so Sasha drove over there she really needed to talk to someone and maybe a little more...

As Sasha arrived she knocked on Bayley's door a couple time to see not Bayley come to the door but instead Nikki Bella answered the door in lingerie and. Black robe that said Bayley

Nikki: can I help you

Sasha: I was uh looking for Bayley

Nikki: Girl Scout?

Sasha: uh n-no

Nikki: uh my girlfriend is upstairs sleep i mean she did

Bayley: Hey sexy get y-👁👄👁

Bayley and Sasha lock eye contact Bayley had on boxers and sports bra

Bayley: I-Sasha-

Sasha: ok have fun Nikki is that your name..Bye ✌️

Sasha walks away

Bayley: WAIT SASHA.....fuck

Bayley threw the coffee mug at the wall breaking it and walks upstairs

Sasha felt the tears come down her face but sucked them back in she has no time to cry over nobody not even Bayley it's clear Bayley didn't have time to be played with after Sammy and the whole murder she has been more tougher inside and out then Sammy shows up at Sasha house wearing a black tux and nice car when he sees her he holds the door open for her and Sasha was shocked as she stepped in and sat in the passenger seat and Sammy got in the driver side it was quiet but Sasha kept thinking about Bayley and it bugged her..

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