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Bayley and Becky walked in to music playing and Ryder in his crib while Naomi was rapping with Sasha and Charlotte

Naomi: I'm telling your rn you can't have a gf cause I'm your gf

Sasha: I'm your gf

Charlotte: I'm your gf

Naomi: you can't have mo fast ass gf

Sasha and Charlotte and Naomi were dancing around and Bayley and Becky were laughing as Charlotte paused the music

Bayley: don't listen to mommy son

Bayley picks Ryder up outta his crib and un-swaddles him to pick him up

Bayley: my baby gon be a player just like your daddy

Sasha throws a pillow at Bayley

Sasha: don't you turn my son into a male version of you

Bayley smiles as she kisses her baby with curly hair like his mom but raven hair like his dad as he is smothered with love and support


Jax screams from he backyard as Becky and Charlotte sprung up and ran to the backyard to see Jaxson leg twisted a whole other way

Charlotte: OMG JAXSON

Becky tried to remain calm seeing her sons leg twisted another way

Becky: Char call 911

Charlotte ran into the living room to call 911

As the ambulance showed up and took Charlotte, Jaxson, and Becky to the hospital, Sasha and Bayley waved goodbye hoping Jackson's. Speedy recovery then Bayley heard crying and ran over to Ryder to see him being fussy as she picked him up and rocked him

Bayley: shhh shh Ryder it's okay it's okay buddy dada is here oh my baby boy mm

Bayley plants kisses all over Ryder seeing him try to rub his nose

Sasha: Aww my baby boy...looks just like you more than me

Sasha pouted as she kissed her son on the head then the doorbell rings and Bayley gives Ryder to Sasha as she answers the door to see

Bayley: oh great what the hell

Adam: look Bayley imma need you back in action okay so w-

Bayley: I said no fuck you and your team I'm fine with being here with my fiancé and my baby boy

Adam: Bayley you can not live without us forever this gang brings you money to support your family, Guns, safety you need to come back and trust in us

Bayley knew Sasha would kill her but Adam was right Bayley's whole life existed around that gang and Bayley had to think about it for a while but before Bayley could say something Sasha came with some attitude

Sasha: Um Bayley will not be getting back into this whole gang affiliation shit she has a son now

Adam: which makes it all more important as she needs us. There are bad people out there that want to hurt your family and if we're not here to protect you they could kill you guys

Sasha doesn't buy it

Sasha: maybe if she wasn't in the sun the first place will be no issues of anybody trying to assassinate us but sadly we cannot change the past she is not joining that gang again and that's final

Adam smiles with Wardlow

Adam: of coarse ma'am...See you soon Bayley

Adam and Wardlow leaves closing the door

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