Whole lotta Gang Shit

407 13 32

6 Weeks Later

Sasha told her family and Bayley told her family about Sasha's pregnancy and although Sasha's family was supportive something didn't sit right with Bayley's family

Mr M: Sasha welcome to the family honey...And Bayley you better treat her like a princess alright... tratamos a las mujeres con respeto y amor y es mejor que cuides a tu bebé porque yo cuidé a tu pequeño rudo

Bayley and her family laughed and Sasha smiled not understanding one word

Bayley: sí papa

Bayley and her Dad and brother went upstairs while Sasha and Bayley's mother stayed downstairs

Sasha: so this is where Bayley grew up

Bayley's mother nods

Ms M: Born and raised..*exhale* God I miss those times, but now you get to experience those times unless you're not keeping the baby

Sasha looked confused

Sasha: uhh..No ma'am I'm keeping the baby

Ms M: oh heh of course you are...

But then Bayley's mom kinda dragged it a little bit

Ms M: but having a baby at the age of 29 is it.. yeah there must be lotta responsibility you know so if you ever feel like I don't know giving the baby away to another family member orrr—.. divorcing Bayley not only would I not be surprised but at the same time it would really break my heart hmhmhm

Sasha was confused at at the same time uncomfortable

Sasha: well I've thought about it and made the smart decision to keep the child and me and Bayley haven't got married yet

Ms M: well she know she can always come back to mama my doors always open for her plus making her happy is a big responsibility I order to be with my baby

Sasha:.... I am extremely confused do you not think I'm good enough to date your daughter let alone have her kid

Ms M: honey no don't put it like that just say A mothers love is stronger than a significant other's love ya know

Sasha: Okay?

Ms M: yeah you know like your i'm gonna come and go but I'm always gonna be here

Sasha: I'm sorry Miss do you have a problem with me

Bayley's mom takes a big exhale she was a beautiful Hispanic women that looked young yet comfortable

Ms M: All I'm saying is you might have my daughters heart now but I had it first young lady...And one thing is never come in between a mother and her baby bird

Sasha was confused and upset

Sasha: Hold on now I-

Ms M: you will never be able to make my daughter happy

Bayley and her Father and Brother were coming down when they heard Sasha


Sasha walks out the door

Bayley: Mama what happen

Bayley's mother shrugs

Ms M: The truth

Bayley: Mama-I..I'll be right back

Bayley walks out the door and Bayley's father looked disappointed

Bayley: Baby wait

Bayley grabbed Sasha wrist softly as Sasha tried pulling away in anger it Bayley had a good grip on her

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