CHAP.6 - Wrong answer

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Things had left a bit uncomfortable with Jisung. Yet Minho was basically over it. He had known a few people suffering from anxiety in his lifetime and he knew how hard it was for Jisung so he decided not to pressure him at all. Being nice was everything he could do.

Currently Minho was sitting in cafeteria with Chan. Chan had a free period and Minho had gotten early to school so they were drinking some coffee together. "How has the school been?" Chan asked and he seemed genuinely interested. "Okay. Like I have nothing big to complain about. We were just assigned these partners in science class and we have a huge project we must do before summer." Minho answered without thinking too much about it. "Yeah, that sounds great. Who did you get as a partner? And also you know I didn't mean on this level. Has there been any problems with anyone? I want to make sure you feel welcome and safe here." Chan specified. A blush rose to Minhos cheeks. He wasn't at all used to people really caring about him so it felt really weird. Therefore he also knew how precious this kind of caring was. "I'm Han Jisungs partner. He's a pretty shy guy. You being this interested in my well-being makes me blush. I'm extremely thankful for the caring and yes everyone has been the nicest for me." he answered Chan with a broad smile on his face.


Their first period today would be math. Most of the time Jisung had thought he was pretty good at math and even Felix asked for his help in it. Felix never asked for Jisungs help in anything school related because he was a great student. Minho was also in the class but Jisung just smiled to him slightly and sat down behind him. 

After talking to Felix, Jisung had felt pretty good about everything. Their math teacher asked each class multiple questions and Jisung was the kind of person who always raised his hand if he was 100% sure about knowing the answer. Today the teacher was writing a quite complex equation on the board. After a couple of minutes counting no one was raising their hands. Jisung had counted it and was sure about his answer so he put his hand up. "Is the answer 23?" he asked with a small voice. Their math teacher was quite strict and had no idea how to tell people nicely that they were wrong. This time was so rude that he was able to say: "NO Jisung. That's not right at all. I expected better from you." 

That comment was as if someone had shot Jisung straight into the heart with an arrow, really big and sharp arrow. In this situation the comment came at the worst possible timing. Already being fragile Jisung wasn't able to handle this kind of comment. Math being the only subject he was confident in took the last piece away from him. His breathing got slowly harder and he couldn't concentrate on anything properly. After suffering for about ten minutes he asked for a permission to leave the class for toilet. The teacher gave him the permission and Jisung left almost running towards the toilet. Hands down around the sink looking at himself through the mirror he was trying to control his breathing which was every second getting more and more out of his control. Tears started falling down his cheeks and he had a total breakdown. Not even hearing the door opening he saw through the mirror that someone was standing right besides him. 

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