CHAP.25 - More than one family

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He had woken up in the middle of the night to a bad nightmare about his mother. The fact that he should be able to stand her today made him physically ill. It was only 6 AM so it would take over 5 hours until Jisung would come to his place and they would leave for the funeral. Since there was so much time he decided it was a great time to clean up a bit and spend time with the cats. 

He vacuumed his apartment and cleaned the cats' litter boxes. Quickly he stopped by in the nearby store too and bought some food for the evening and the next day. Minho was sure he wouldn't want to go anywhere tomorrow so having food at home was a great idea. After that, he changed his sheets and it was still only 9 AM. He dressed up and fell asleep on the sofa. At least waiting for Jisung would go fastly while sleeping. 


Finally, it was Sunday morning and his parents were supposed to leave for the airport after noon. Before that, they'd leave Jisung and Minho's house so that he doesn't have to by bus. They were having breakfast together and the atmosphere was quite awkward. No one was saying anything. After all of them had eaten Jisung's mother asked for him to come over to the garden. Jisung went in front of her and she brought some juice for both of them and sat down on the swing. "Jisungie..." she started, but Jisung didn't let her finish before saying: "Mom, I'm so sorry I can't be there today. I know you're sad about it but I really have to be there for Minho. It's nothing personal really." After saying that Jisung started sobbing quietly. His mother hugged him and patted his head warmly. She waited for Jisung to calm down before she let him go and said: "Honey, I understand. I'm not mad and neither is your father. We love you and want you to be there for your friends when they're in need. Don't think about me too much just go and live your life. I know I've been kind of in control lately and it hasn't been good for our relationship. That all was because I've been mad at myself because I wasn't here when you and your brother were growing up. Now you're a grown man who knows what's right and what's wrong. I want you to take your own path and build a life that makes you happy. That's what your father and I are doing. You and Jeongin are already so grown up that we can take the distance and try and achieve our own dreams. I hope you understand that. We are always only one phone call away and we can always visit."

That was exactly what Jisung needed at that point. He was relieved and thought that maybe he wasn't a disappointment to his parents after all. "Mom, I understand it. I'm happy that you're doing what you want and I couldn't be mad about this. I'll try to make you proud," he answered. Then his father walked to the garden smiling widely with a piece of cheesecake that Jisung loved. His mother went inside and it was time for some father and son talk. "We talked our things through with mom dad," Jisung informed. "That's what I was hoping for. I'd like two of my favorite people in the world to come along together. I just wanted to say to you that be brave and try to achieve things that you love doing. And don't ever think that me staying here with you and your brother has made me bitter or anything like that. It was the best decision your mother and I've ever made. I loved seeing you guys grow and learn to know you properly. Now I can leave you here with grandmom Moon with no hesitation. Everything will go just fine and call me immediately if you need me, no matter what. It doesn't matter what the time is or anything," his father explained. Jisung smiled at his father while one tear fell down his cheek. He hugged him tightly.

Jisung had only now understood how much he would miss especially his father who had always been there for him. He had gone through all the mental health issues with him and helped him get through in school when Jisung had no motivation. All of the arguments between Jisung and Jeongin had been solved by their father and he had raised them to respect each other. It would be a really big change for them but gladly their father was right. They had grown a lot and Jisung knew he could also always rely on Jeongin. Their bond was so tight that nothing could ever break it. 

When it was a little over 11 AM all of them hopped in the car and left for Minho's place. During the car ride, they talked about this and that and laughed together. There couldn't have been a better way to spent their last minutes together. Once they reached Minho's apartment they all got out of the car. Jisung hugged his parents one last time tightly and told them that he loves them. They told them that back and that was it. They went back to the car and left riding towards the airport. Jisung was now standing alone on the street. For a little while, he felt extremely lonely. Then he turned around and remembered why he was there. It was like a little fire had blazed inside him. He didn't feel alone anymore.  

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