Chapter 1 - The beginning

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Do you believe in soulmates? Or in destiny? Or do you think every little thing that happens to us is just pure coincidence? Do you believe in losses and findings? Do you believe in perfect and wrong timing? Or in right people for you?
The thing is, you can believe in whatever you want, everyone is free to live with their own thoughts, but when it comes to love, when you find that love that cannot be replaced, when you find that person you cannot live without, when you feel like millions of butterflies are dancing in your heart, when you find your soulmate, you will know. 

It was a beautiful day, there was a warm weather and not a single cloud on the sky, Hande was looking out the window thinking about painting something new. She brought all her necessary tools outside and she started creating it, while letting the sun kissing her. She was doing this so often lately, she loved being by herself, with her dogs, reading books, watching movies, painting or even taking long walks. In the middle of creating that painting, her phone rang. She quickly went to see who was calling.
- Hey, Damla!
- My lovely girl, how are you? I have some great news for you, I hope you're ready to hear them.
- Oh, sure, let's see.
- A new dizi will be produced, they want you to play the main role.
- But Damla, I have one more offer, I need to look at that too...
- I know, I know, but no worries, I'm gonna send you the details for both of them and you will choose, is it ok?
- Ok, thank you so much.
She hang up the phone and went outside. Trying to finish her painting, she was constantly thinking: "Why do I have 2 projects now? Which one will I choose? What am I gonna do?" She received all the details eventually and she started to read them. After reading the first one, she thought maybe it's time to go to sleep, she checked the time - 1:24 am. "Ok, I'm going".
After her well-known night routine, she thought about checking her phone one more time. While looking through her conversation with her manager, he accidentally opened the second project - "Sen Çal Kapımı". If she had started reading, she wouldn't have stopped until finishing it, but she did it anyway. "Maybe I won't like it that much and I will continue in the morning."
But she was fascinated. The plot, the ideas, everything was amazing. Eda- her character- was so similar to her. She thought: "This is perfect, I would love this, but I will have a new partner - Kerem. I don't know him, I'm not used to him. What should I do?". Before actually falling asleep, she thought and thought and thought again, trying to make a decision. But she couldn't.

The exact same day passed so fast for Kerem. After listening to some good music, preparing his favourite smoothie and relaxing a bit in the morning, he went to the gym, spending there some good hours. He came back home, took a cold shower and started playing with Hector, his dog.  "How are you little boy? Do you wanna go out for a walk?".Just when he wanted to leave his house, his phone rang, it was Gunfer.
- Hi, this is Kerem Bursin, he's not available right now but you can leave a vocal message.
- Aren't you tired of doing this everytime?
- HAHAHA no, it's great, c'mon, I know you love it.
- Yeah, very funny, listen to me, quess what.
- Did I do something? Or were you just missing me and called to say hi?
- No, please... It's about a new project, a new dizi is coming and you may be the lead. What do you think?
- Really? This is amazinnnnng. Give me the details, I'm gonna go for a short walk with my Hector and as soon as I get back home, I will start to read them.
- Ok, perfect. I'll send it now. Take care.
- Thank you, bye-bye.
After his walk, he started reading it. Of course he loved it from the first moment, he had no doubt, he was sure he wanna do it. 

Day passed and both of them spent it reading more and more, thinking about their characters and the beautiful story of the new dizi. They haven't met before, but they heard a lot about each other. They even got the chance to participate in some projects together, but their destiny just decided that it wasn't the right moment yet. At some point, they decided to meet, to talk about it, so they thought about a date and a place. They got there almost in the same time. They were both kinda nervous, but they got quickly over it. They got to know each other officially, and when they looked each other in their eyes for the first time, they both felt safety, warmth and trust.
- Hey, I'm Kerem, it's so nice to meet you.
- Hande, but you already know.
- I'm so excited for this, when I first read the details, I said "Wow, that's it."
-  I liked it too, I'm just not 100% sure though...
- What? Why? Don't you like the plot? Or what don't you like?
- No, it's not about that. I have 2 offers right now and I really have to think about it.
- Oh, I understand, well then just think about it.
- I am, but you know, it's kinda hard to make up my mind.
- Look, if you need something, anything I'm here, even though we just met, I'm here. There's a huge possibility that we'll be partners in a short time, so I guess we should trust and help each other. 
- Thank you, Kerem, I'll let you know. 
They had a great time at the meeting. They talked about every little detail from this amazing project, they laughed, they enjoyed the time spent together and after some hours they decided to finish it and to go home. As everyone was leaving, Kerem saw Hande near the entrance, impatiently checking her phone. After thinking a bit about it, he approached her. 
- Hey!
She trembled a bit hearing his voice, as she wasn't expecting him to still be there.
- Oh, hey *laughing* sorry, I didn't know you are here. I thought you already left.
- I am, right now, but I wanted to check on you. Are you ok?
- Yes, yes, thanks, I am just texting my driver, but as I see he's not responding. I am gonna wait.
- Well, if you want, I can drive you home, for me there's no problem.
- I don't want you to change your route for me...
- It's ok, it's not a big deal, just tell me if you want.
- Let me call one more time.
They both waited, but nothing. She wanted to call her driver one more time but Kerem said:
- For real, there's no problem for me, come.
- Ok, I'm really sorry for this, and thank you so much.
- Haha, you have literally nothing to thank me for. And after all, we can get to know each other better this way.
They both laughed and went to his car. He put some music from his playlist, but not too loud so they could talk. After finding her address, he started the conversation:
- So, what did you think about this meeting, about this project? 
She smiled.
- It was so nice. I loved it. I loved the people and of course the whole plot. I still have to make up my mind, you know...
- I understand. 
- What did you think?
- I'm excited, I am gonna accept it for sure, I love the way they portray your character, her power, her intelligence, can't wait for this to be honest.
- It's not my character yet.
- I hope it will be. 
He looked at her and she turned her head looking on the window. He continued:
- I'm not putting pressure on you, I just hope you will accept it. You're such a nice person, I'd like to be partners. 
- Me too. I just need some time.
- Sure. 
After some minutes, they arrived at Hande's place. 
- Thank you so much, I feel bad for this, she said starting laughing.
- Don't be, and you're welcome. 
She got out of the car. Just when she wanted to close the door, Kerem said:
- Hande!
- Yes? 
- It was nice meeting you.
She smiled and she went to her house. He smiled back, but without her seeing it, stand there for some seconds, watching her, then left to his house. When he arrived, he played some music, made one Martini for him and prepared a tasty treat for Hector. He threw himself on the sofa and started thinking about that whole day. He didn't know why, he couldn't explain, but he felt like he needed to play in that dizi with her, he couldn't imagine anyone else and when putting a face to the character, he had hers in his mind. It was nothing like love or something, he just thought they would be great partners and he really wanted it. 
As for her, as soon she arrived, her beloved dogs started jumping on her, so she played a bit with them, then called her sister. 
- Heyyyyy, cutie, what's up? How was the meeting, Gamze responded.
- It went good, I loved everything, Kerem is so kind and funny, he even brought me home, the script sounds to be amazing and the crew is so nice.
- Soooo, will you accept it? You sound really excited about it.
- I don't know what to do, I still have o think about it.
- Don't think too much, just go with your heart, it's the best.
- Do you think so?
- Of course... I'm doing this all the time
- You know I have to put everything in balance before doing something. 
- I know, but trust me, sometimes it's better like this. Trust your sister *Gamze said, starting laughing*
- Thank you, sis. I have to go, love you.
-Love you more.
Hande could barely sleep that night. She was thinking again and again about the 2 projects and about which one to choose. She wanted to accept it, but for some reason, she was a bit scared of it all, of not knowing the people she'll be working with beforehand. 

The days passed by, and the decision making time was quickly arriving. Hande and Kerem had some online meetings as well, trying to get to know each other better. They were surprised everytime, realising they can easily understand each other. 
One day, the producers announced them they have to decide it until evening. 
With one hour before the final meeting, Hande received a text. She grabbed her phone, wondering who wrote to her. It was Kerem. She quickly opened the message. 
" You can't do this to me. "
She was so confused, so she responded: "What? I don't understand..."
"Hahaha, joking, sorry Handemiyy"
"Isn't it your name here? Haha. But now jokes aside, I just wanted to tell you something."
"Ok, I'm listening, thebursin bey."
"thebursin bey, I like it."
"Come on, tell me."
"I was thinking... we started this path together, we have to go on together."
She smiled, she wasn't expected this kind of message. "He's too nice", she thought. She didn't respond. She didn't know how, even though there were so many possibilities, she felt like there was no need to answer, so she left her phone on her bad and prepared for the online meeting.
He started asking himself if he said something inappropriate. He was sure she's gonna decline it, so he started having a bad mood just when there was just half an hour left.
They both prepared how they knew, and the time of the official meeting arrived. They both connected without being late. After some discussions, the question came. Kerem said quickly that he accepts, that he likes this project so much and that he couldn't decline such an amazing dizi, as it would be something new for him too. Everyone was happy hearing it. Even Hande, who was sure he's gonna say 'yes' already, smiled.  When her turn came, there was a silent moment for some seconds. He was waiting so impatiently about her answer, thinking about what was the need of giving her that message, being convinced still that he messed it. 
She smiled. For a moment, she took a look at him, he was so serious, even scared. 
- I accept it too, I cannot wait for this beautiful ride. 
She smiled again, and this time, he smiled too. 

They both were so happy and excited. 
This way, their adventure began. 


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