Chapter 2 -The first kiss

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Everyone was so happy that Hande and Kerem accepted the project. Everyone congratulated them. After talking a bit and celebrating, the meeting ended, but not without talking and setting another one, this time a real one, so they can talk about the script and the first episode. 
After half an hour from it, Hande went to take a shower and change her clothes for the bedtime. While returning, she heard a message coming from her Instagram. She rushed to her phone. 'thebursin sent you a message'. She smiled and opened it.
"Thank you for accepting it.", he was saying.
Which she replied:
"Why do you thank me? It was because of you."
"I thought the opposite."
"Because you never replied. I thought- maybe she got mad?"
"I was just too excited about this ;)"
"So I guess, we're partners now. Right?"
"Well yes"
"In this case, goodnight partner. See you at my company for the meeting."
"Goodnight partner. Can't wait."
They both put their phones aside and took a moment to think about their conversation. They were so happy and excited to take part in this. Both of them fell asleep thinking about what can happen in the script. Of course they couldn't guess it. 
Days passed and their second real meeting came, this time at Kerem's company. Hande asked for the location and arrived there early, this time with one of her dogs. She stayed there for some time waiting, and when she looked at her phone, she realised Kerem was already late. There is no need to even mention that their meeting this time was a total, unexpected mess, including some problems caused by Hande's dog, plums, laughter and a funny way of ending it. They haven't spoke to each other for 3 days, probably because they didn't even know what to say after it, but the things got back to normal fast, because they had to meet with the other actors too and to have some more online videocalls. In this whole time, they got to know each other better, they found out what they like and what they don't, they formed a special bond. 

As we already know, time flies so fast, so they almost started to film the first episode of the dizi. There was one more day. The last day till they'll officially start this beautiful journey together. They weren't talking that much through messages, but they were both happy when it was happening. Hande found in him a person she can rely on, she learnt that you don't have to know someone from a long period of time in order to trust him. She found in him a serious man with a great mentality, with an amazing mindset, who likes to talk about important stuff and who always comes up with interesting subjects like women rights, in the same time she found in him a little boy, who likes to play and have fun, who always laughs and makes everyone around him laugh too, but also a great person with some great taste in movies, music and books. She was amazed by him, she never met someone like him before. From some unknown reasons for her, she felt some kind of attraction towards him. It wasn't something physical, it was something about his way of thinking, his intelligence, his personality. She felt alive with him, that's the right word. She was smiling, and she loved this feeling. 
On the other hand, Kerem was excited from the very first moment of meeting her. Besides being such a beautiful woman, he loved her sense of humor, her ambition and her determination. He was admiring her so much for working so hard, for always following the rules, but in the same time for having such a great energy and giving some amazing vibes, for always being so bubbly and for lighting the whole day with her smile. He liked her from the beginning, in one way or another. He liked the human she was, the soul she had. It wasn't something too obvious, but he couldn't deny it wasn't something. He thought that maybe it's just for some time, he tried to concentrate on working and being just her friend so he could forget it slowly. 
Both of them were experiencing some new feelings, they felt safe near each other. It was peace all over the place, it was a happy feeling, a warm state of mind.

It was the night before the first day. Before going to bed, Hande decided to send him a message.
The exact same moment, he was coming back from the shower, with the same thought  as hers - to take some rest, because he had a big day waiting.  He took his phone to put on some music, but he saw the message, so he responded.
"Are you ready for tomorrow?" she was asking.
"Of course! I really can't wait. How are you?"
"Do you want me to tell you the truth, or to lie?"
"Don't you ever lie to me, handemiyy. Tell me, what do you feel?"
"I'm a little nervous..."
"But it's ok to be nervous. I'm gonna be with you tomorrow, I'll be there for you, there is no need to be stressed about this."
She smiled, saying:
"Why do you always know what to say?"
Her message took him by surprise. He didn't know how to answer.
"I... I don't know, I guess it's about the person I'm talking to?"
"thebursin bey, you're such a funny man. Come on, let's go to sleep. Tomorrow is such an important day."
"Alright. So..."
"So goodnight, partner. See you tomorrow!"
They both set their alarm for the next day, then closed their phones and went to sleep, thinking about the script, each other and how everything is gonna be.

From partners to lovers - Hanker fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora