Chapter 3

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They were looking at each other. She was scared, scared of her feelings, scared of falling in love. He was happy, he was feeling an inner peace. Both of them were gazing in each other's eyes. For a moment they forgot everything, in that place it was just them, without anyone else. They heard a man screaming "Continue" and they came back to reality. Kerem took her hand and walked through the crowd, till they weren't in the spotlight anymore.
Once the cameras stopped filming them, he let her hand and looked at her. 
- I guess the scene was ok, he said trying to kill the silence.
- Yes, she replied, not knowing what else to say.
They both took a moment to look at each other and then they returned to their colleagues who were waiting for them in order to start shooting other scenes.

This is the thing about acting. You never know what your partner feels. You don't know what's real or what's a role. Of course people would say it's just their role, they have to behave like this, but what they don't know, is that this is a thing between actors, it's just like an unsaid rule. If you start catching feelings for your partner and don't want them to know because it would ruin your friendship or the harmony between you two, you can just use your lines and actions to express your real feelings rather than your character's ones. This way, you just live in your movie's world, you live the love you cannot feel in real life. Sometimes, actors do that, even though it's not good for them, it's not healthy. And they both chose to do it this time. 

That day they tried to avoid each other when they didn't have scenes to film together. When it was time to leave the set, Kerem saw Hande waiting. He decided to go and talk to her.
- Hey! How are you? he asked
She was surprised, she thought they won't talk that much after the kiss.
He started to laugh:
- Sorry, I didn't want to scare you. 
- No, it's ok, I just thought you left, she replied.
- I'm leaving right now. Do you want me to drive you home? 
She had a flashback from their first meeting.
- No, it's ok, my driver will come in several minutes, she said.
- Ok, then see you tomorrow, Handemiyy!
She smiled, she was somehow relieved that the kiss didn't change anything between them. She was expecting their conversations to be weird or uncomfortable from now on, but it wasn't like this. He smiled too as he saw her. 
- See your tomorrow, thebursin bey!
He left, and she remained there watching him.
They were so relieved that they can still be friends... They both liked each other, but in the same time they didn't want to do something and lose their beautiful connection. 

When Kerem arrived home, Hector was already waiting for him to go for a walk. He started jumping and already being excited, so Kerem understood. He didn't even change his clothes, he chose to take his beloved dog for a walk and then come back to relax. He was more like a spontaneous man. He was doing things being guided by his heart. But on the other hand Hande, she was an organised person. She wanted to think about things before actually doing them. She wanted to analyze every little detail. They were so different from each other but they both had what their partener didn't have. They were complementing each other so well... that was the beauty of their relationship.
When arriving home, Hande went quickly to take a shower then prepare something easy to eat. She took her time to relax a bit. It was only 6pm, they had a short day. She thought about calling her sister, then watching a movie, playing with her dogs and then use one of her facial masks and finally go to sleep in order to be fresh for the next day. The evening passed quickly. They both put their pyjamas on and jumped in their beds. Kerem put some nice music on, while Hande chose to surf on her social media. She was kind of surprised when she saw an instagram message from no other than Kerem.
"Are you sleeping? I have an interesting idea." he was saying
She was surprised, also excited, curious but all in all a bit confused.
"Not yet. Tell me, what idea do you have?" she answered.
"We're partners. This means we should know each other. So what about a game?"
She started laughing. No other guy proposed to her a game in order to get to know her. But Kerem was different, she was realising this one more time.
"Ok, this may be funny. How is it working?"
"We will ask questions. For example, what's your favourite color?"
"Water green. Yours?"
"Powdered pink."
She was shocked once again. Kerem was the first guy to love the pink color and she was right, the game was so funny and she was enjoying every minute of it.
"Ok. Favourite animal?" Hande asked.
"I love lions. What about you?"
"I don't know. Obviously dogs, but also birds."
The game continued with a lot of questions. They got to know their favourite food, songs, movies and almost everything. They talked for almost an hour. They laughed, they touched some serious subjects, they had a beautiful conversation. 
"Do you believe in fate and soulmates?" Kerem asked.
"I don't know, do you?"
"I didn't."
"So what changed?" she asked, trying to understand his answer.
"I'm not sure yet..." he answered, thinking already about another question to change the topic. In his head, the answer was - "I met you", but he realised it was a stupid one, if she didn't feel the same way, it would ruin their beautiful bond, and he didn't want to risk it. Somehow, he was feeling like meeting her was meant to be in that exact moment, because they had several projects in which they could've participated together, but they declined it. Maybe all of this was for a reason, maybe it was really fate. 
"I see we started a deep conversation" she texted, laughing.
"I think we should talk more about these things when we have the chance."
"I would like it, but until then, it's time to go to sleep"
"Then goodnight, Handemiyy, see you tomorrow!"
"Goodnight :)"

Before going to sleep they both thought about that last question, about fate and soulmates, they thought about everything, about their past, their experiences, their paths, both of them coming to the conclusion that maybe them meeting was really a thing about fate, but they had no idea how and even why. 

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