𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐱 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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Requested by @storylover12345677

Title: Pizza

Key: (e/c)= eye color

It was obvious that (y/n) had feelings for Mikey...like a lot. She would always be around him, smiling and hugging him. Mikey didn't mind; it was the only positive touches he got. Most of the time, it was usually slaps on the back of his head or Raph "playfully" choking him. He welcomed the small girl, not knowing what her actual goal in mind was. To him, it was just a friendly hug, a nice smile, a warm kiss on the cheek. He didn't realize what had been going on inside her head. After all, he'd been overcome by feelings unknown after his breakup with Renet, so he wasn't really trying to feel some type of way for another girl so soon. He felt it would be nice to spend some time with his brothers before "looking for love" again. Truth be told, he knew he'd probably never find love again because of what he was; but, it didn't hurt to dream of a girl coming back into his life and sweeping him off his feet as they threw water balloons into the sunset.

"Mikey, Mikey!" He suddenly turned his head as he locked eyes with the (e/c)-eyed beauty in front of him. She was sitting beside him on the couch, gently taking a piece of pizza from the box he held in his lap. She had called his name due to the box falling over, the remaining slices almost falling out of the box. After picking off the things she didn't like, she took a small bite and glanced up at him, smiling as her teeth sunk into the food. Mikey got a familiar feeling in his chest as he leaned back, eyes wide and mouth pressed into a thin line.

He didn't like this; not one bit. He didn't enjoy feeling what he had felt for Renet. He had only one feeling for Renet; and that was the butterflies in his stomach, the cold shivers down his back, the excited tingles he got in his toes when he looked at Renet. That was her feeling; Renet's feeling. So then, why was he feeling it when he looked at (y/n)? He felt that she should have her own feeling; something to remember her by, so looking at (y/n), he was overcome by a sudden urge to leave; to get her face out of his mind. Instead, he did something much worst.

As if in a trance, he reached down and put his hand under the pizza box. With a gulp, he slowly lifted his fingers, and with a swift motion, threw the open box onto (y/n). 


"I-I'm really sorry, (y/n)." The girl ignored him as she shoved herself away from him, locking herself into the bathroom. Mikey could hear soft sobs coming from behind the door, though he didn't dare to knock or try to talk to her. He remembered how it felt to be locked in his room and hiding from Raph, who continually talked through the door. It got on his nerves, so he decided to respect (y/n)'s privacy and walk away.

"You threw a hot pizza onto her face?" Donnie said incredulously as he and his older brothers stared at Mikey, who had his head hung and his hands sheepishly intertwined behind his back. Leo and Raph exchanged a look as they folded their arms across their chest and looked at Donnie, who shook his head and gestured helplessly to the youngest brother. Leo sighed and stepped forward, putting a hand onto Mikey's shoulder.

"Mikey, why'd you do it?" Mikey slowly looked up and at Leo's hand, then his face. He shrugged as he opened his mouth and began to speak.

"I-I don't know. I was just thinking about Renet-" Donnie interrupted him with a shake of his head.

"But, you two broke up four-" Mikey furiously looked over to him and stomped his foot.

"Don't you think I know that! But looking at (y/n) wasn't helping because when I looked at her, I thought of Renet but then I didn't want to think about Renet. I wanted to think about (y/n). So, I did and started getting that tingling feeling in my toes like I did when I thought of Renet. And-" Mikey sighed heavily and turned around, starting for the living room. He was caught by the shoulders by Raph, who was looking at him strangely. He hadn't said anything the entire time they'd been talking to Mikey.

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