Deeply alone

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I feel I have fallen in a hole so deep that I can't climb out.
So cold that I may die of frost bite.
So sad that I may drown in my own tears of self deprivation.
So dark I may never see color again.

I feel so deeply alone in this hole I have dug for myself to live and die in.
I may never make it out of this deep depression that consumes my everyday,
That hurts so much I might as well say I have felt death cause I have been dead mental my whole life in away.

I feel I have fallen in this hole expecting help out but now I am just excepting the fact that I well be here forever and that I well never see that light.
That once guided me through the days and lead me into the nights.

And then I met you and I felt no more alone.
I feel a loving peace in side of me that makes me feel as I have once before.

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