Chapter one: A letter?

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I'm Shuichi Saihara, the ultimate detective, although I don't think I deserve the title. All I really did was solve one murder, I really don't think that it's a big deal. But Hopes Peak Academy, the most prestigious school in Japan, thought otherwise. I was hunted down and accepted into Hopes Peak.

Ever since then, I had made a lot of great friends. Mainly from my class.

Although my best friends, who I hung out with most, were Kaede Akamatsu, the ultimate pianist, Kaito Momota, the ultimate astronaut, and Maki Harukawa, the ultimate assassin.

"Shuichi-Kun!" Kaede yelled as she ran towards me.

"Hello, Kaede-San." I replied.

"Are we gonna walk home together again today?" Kaede asked.

Kaede and I were neighbors, and childhood friends. We would usually walk home together.

"Yeah. I just gotta stop at my locker for something." I answered, walking towards my locker.

"Alright! I've gotta stop at mine for something as well," Kaede started walking away, "We'll meet at the front of the school when we're done!"

I opened my locker, to grab my stuff, when an envelope fell out.

It was a plain white envelope, with a heart sticker on the middle.

I told myself that I'd open it at home, and put it in my bag.

Then I walked outside.

Kaede was already there, and she waved to me.

When we got home we said goodbye and went into our houses.

I quickly said hi to my parents, and went into my bedroom.

I peeled the heart sticker off and opened the envelope, and there was a letter inside. (I'm bad at writing love letters so please expect cringe from it-)

Shuichi Saihara,

Your blue hair reminds me of the ocean in dark, your yellow eyes remind me of dandelions.

I wonder, what will it take for you to be mine?

Sorry, enough of that cheesy "poem", even though it's true.

With you being a detective, I decided to make this fun.

You need to figure out who I am by the time I deliver the last letter to you.

Don't worry, I''ll reveal something to you every letter.

This clue is: I am one of your classmates

~Your Secret Admirer

As I finished the last letter I rushed to my bulletin board, and put up a photo of my classmates, along with the letter.

I'd have to wait for the next note for another clue, so I decided to stop thinking about it for now.

The letter was cringey but it was the best I could come up with-

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~Secret Admirer~ a SaiOma fanficWhere stories live. Discover now