Chapter five: Sleepover!

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On the way to Shuichi's house, they all talked about what to do.

It was decided that they were going to play board games during the day, and watch movies when it got dark.

When they got there Shuichi told Kaito and Harukawa they could explore the house a little bit (they mainly had sleepovers at Kaito or Kaede's house) while he got the board games out.

They played a lot of games that day.

The main one they had played was Monopoly, which Harukawa kept winning at.

Around 9:30 that night Kaede pointed out that it was getting late, so Shuichi made popcorn, and they watched 4 movies, each movie chosen by a different person.

Kaede chose a Disney movie (Kaede watches Disney you can't change my mind-), Kaito chose a comedy movie, Maki chose a horror movie, and Shuichi chose a mystery movie.

When the last movie had ended, it was late, so they all decided to go to bed.

Shuichi set up an area in the living room for all of them to sleep in while they changed.

Kaede and Kaito were out as soon as they hit the ground.

"Saihara." Harukawa said. "What was the bulletin board in your room, and why did it have love letters and photo's of our classmates on it?"

"Uh-" Shuichi stammered. He hadn't expected Harukawa to go into his room. "It's something I've been trying to figure out.."

"What is it about?" Harukawa asked.

"A secret admirer.." Shuichi mumbled.

"About as interesting as I thought it would be. Goodnight, Saihara." And with that, the assassin laid on her back and closed her eyes.

"That was awkward.." Shuichi thought, as he lay on the floor.

Again, this is filler for events that I want to put off :D

299 words

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