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Bum was cleaning around the house more specifically a drawer which Sangwoo told him to keep the stuff that was important and throw out the trash.

How was he supposed to know which was and trash and which wasnt?

He didnt know he just knew if he accidentally threw something out he knew what Sangwoo was gonna do to him. Though it seems after M/N came Sangwoo seemed to stop sexually harassing Bum.

He was currently trying to open a closet. He opened and just expected it was clothes. Though they were bigger he could tell they were M/Ns cause they were bigger than Sangwoos. Well his question of why Sangwoo sometimes walked around the house with bigger clothes on him was finally answered.

He was also sitting on his chair. Since ofcourse his ankles were broken by Sangwoo.

His dark eyes scanned the closet. It was clean with both clothes hanged and folded. Am I supposed to still clean this? He mentally questioned himself. Since the closet was already very clean. Is M/N gonna be mad if I touch something? He shivered at the picture of M/N possibly getting mad. Would be he as scary as Sangwoo? Would he be more lenient? Would he not care at all? Or would he be worse than Sangwoo?

He bit his lip having a conflict with himself. He already lived in constant fear of Sangwoo his mind was jumbled and was traumatized ofcourse. 

Though he also wouldnt lie he was touched by M/Ns gesture of feeding him and giving hi pain killers. He also wouldnt lie the male was attractive and blushed at the thought of him. 

He silently reached out for a shirt and shakily brought it to his nose. He took in a scent of peper mint and freshness. It smelt quite nice. A small crazed smile broke out from his face. As his grip on the shirt tightened. His hand silently crawling to his waistline.

He ofcourse saw how the H/C haired always seemed quiet but also numb around Sangwoo. He didnt know if M/N truly wanted to be in the relationship. Was he also a victim of Sangwoo? Is he afraid of Sangwoo? 

Though before he could shut his eyes he saw a plane yellow box on hidden in the corner of where he took the shirt. He let curiosity get the best of him. 'Curiosity killed the cat' he remembered the line making him stop temporarily on his tracks. Thats why I m here...I didnt mind my own business he frowned his head hanging down in shame as his grip on the shirt tightened. He didnt know he was crumpling the shirt and leaving marks on it......

He let it get the best of him.

Curiosity killed the cat. But Satisfaction brought it back

He quickly snatched the box with great difficulty since it was at the back of the stacks of folded clothes. 

He quickly opened it. Flinging the lid. Since it was a simple box but a pretty one. With its pretty yellow color and minimalistic design but also its thick material and hardness of the box. He looked in to see some photos and two rings.

He picked up the first photo he found and looked at it was curiosity but also shock and mixed emotions.

The phot showed M/N ofcourse. But he was younger Bum noted cause of how M/N dressed and his hair style and he wasnt wearing glasses during that time. M/N had a giant smile on his face much different to his expression now. His whole demeanor in the photo and currently was completely different. He was carrying a girl who seemed to be his whole world.

The girl looked back at him. Bum wouldnt lie she is pretty. She had curly brown hair that stopped at her shoulder wearing round glasses a beauty mark under her right eye. She wore a yellow turtle neck as she held the very same box Bum pulled out the closet. Her arms wrapped around M/Ns neck her eyes the size of crescents as she laughed her hand covering her mouth shyly. A ring visible on her hand making Bum look back at the box and reach out to take the ring he found earlier.

Now taking a closer look at the ring. It was the same ring the girl was wearing.

He took a look at a few more of the photos scanning them. They were photos of a younger M/N and a girl. Though M/N always seemed to be the lively one while the girl was shying away in some of them.

He heard the door opening down stairs making him drop the photos on the floor accidentally from shock and fear.

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