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M/N beside Yoonbum was silently helping him fix dinner while Sangwoo invested and let out his anger on another young poor girl that fell a victim to his charm. Her screams never failed to make Bum shiver or wanna throw up from guilt. While M/N simply was unfazed as he sharpened some of the knives.

It was an uneasy silence. Though the cause of the uneasiness wasnt M/N but the things happening in the basement ofcourse. Then ofcourse the screams stopped after that M/N let out a sigh closing his eyes. Bum looked at him worriedly. But ofcourse that too was cut short when the sound of footsteps near them were heard. It was Sangwoo. M/N knew it was Yoonbum who found Chin-Suns box. But he couldnt feel anger towards Bum since Sangwoo pretty much beat the living life out of him.

Bum accidentaly let a single plate off making it crash to the ground breaking into many pieces. This time M/N wasnt able to catch it. Bum froze.

Sangwoo before he could land a hit on Bum he was caught in M/Ns warm embrace. Though he tried to get out of the hug but failed. "Thats enough.Thats enough. Its time to eat" M/N said his arms tightly around Sangwoo's waist preventing him from even getting near to the shaking Bum. Sangwoo smirked its been quite long since M/N had spoken to him without being forced to or while having intercourse . His palms were also a comforting warm cause of cooking. M/N noticing how Sangwoo reacted took one of his palms resting it on Sangwoos cheek squishing it slightly in a cute manner while his other arm was still around Sangwoos waist just incase hed snap out of it and lunge at Bum.

(His face cheek not his ass cheek...okay?)

M/N sat Sangwoo on his chair as he then walked to the counter and started plating the food. While Bum was trying to clean the shards of the glass. Key word try. Since ofcourse as he tried to not prick himself in the process. M/N took note of that though kept preparing the plates and table. If hed try to help Bum it wouldnt end well in both their ends. After he had set everything up. 

Sangwo looked at him dead in the eye basically saying 'eat:)'. M/N hummed standing up and bending down giving Sangwoo a kiss on the lips. Sangwoo pleased with whats happening smirked into the kiss and kissed back wrapping his arms around the seme's neck in order to deepen the kiss. Not caring if the food would spill or get cold.

A small hiss snapped Sangwoo out of it knowing it was Bum who got hurt with the shards of glass. M/N finally and took this as a chance to pull away from the kiss. He silently glanced at Bum from his spot and sighed shaking his head. Walking to where Bum was and lifted him up with through his arms with ease making Bum yelp and look at M/N confused with wide eyes.

Though M/N simply put Bum on where his small table was in the floor and walking to the living room. The moment M/N left the room Bum shakily looked at the ground knowing Sangwoo was glaring at him. As he didnt mind his bleeding fingers since he was more mindful of Sangwoo.

M/N entered the kitchen carrying his medicine bag skillfully avoiding the shards of glass while also ignoring Sangwoos glare. He placed his bag on one of the tables as he took the broom and started cleaning of the shards of glass.

His eyes met Bums though he quickly looked away and went back to cleaning the shards silently. After he disposed of the glass he went back to his seat picked up his chopsticks and continued as if nothing had happened.

----TIME SKIP---

Sangwoo had went back down to the basement to continue his business which left M/N and Bum alone in the kitchen washing the dishes and etc.

M/N picked up Bum and set him down on a chair startling Bum though he quickly silenced as he watched the H/C haired man take his bag and settle down on the ground infront of him. His slender fingers gently took Bums hands in his large palms scanning them looking closer at the wound. The bandage covered male flushed at the action as he continued watching silently letting the taller male do anything to him.

He watched as he took out a bottle of alcohol disenfecting the medium sized cut then taking out a band aid gracefuly ripping it apart as he attached it perfectly on Bums hand. Bum met his E/C eyes awkwardly though somehow he didnt wanna look away and kept on looking at the male. Not he had an even closer look. Ofcourse its still the same. Hes still handsome.


"........Try to be more careful next time..." Bum was snapped out of his trance by the deep smooth voice it was quite raspy since he didnt use it much. It made Bum visibly shiver. Though he answered with a shy nod. "My wrist. Stop watching"


M/N ordered making Bum nod and look away from the said males wrist since Bum saw a slight scar on it. He carried Bum up and sat him ontop of his swivelling chair. And went of to the counter taking is bag and walking upstairs.

"Ill be spending next week with my parents" M/N said as he washed Sangwoos locks  occasionaly massaging his scalp. "The old hag asked you to visit?" Sangwoo asked raising a brow though his eyes were still closed relaxing. M/N mentally cringed of what Sangwoo had called his mother though as always he said nothing. "Yes...." . "Where?" "The farm house". Sangwoo smirked.

"And your going?" ".......Yes" M/N answered coolly.  "You know she isnt really your mom right?" Sangwoo chuckled non chalantly. M/N stopped massaging Sangwoos hair looking down. "....." He continued washing Sangwoos hair now rinsing it. "So you dont really need to kiss her ass or somthing" Sangwoo added. M/N hummed though it was quite nothing. "Jeez ever since  the other old shit died shes been annoying" M/Ns grip on the shower head tightened as he continued looking down.

Sangwoo smirked at his partners reaction pulling him in the bath as he kissed him roughly.


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