You're not going to die, I won't let you

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They’re almost done downloading the information for Pidge, when the door crashes inward and galra guards burst through. Shit.

“Lance,” Keith calls over his shoulder without looking behind him, “you might want to hurry up.”

“I’m trying, just give me a second we’re almost there.”

Keith pulls out his bayard turning it into a sword, which he raises in anticipation. “I'll do my best.” He runs charging his way down the hallway. Three against one, great odds, Keith thinks sarcastically.

The first guard is fast, but he's hesitant and Keith uses this to his advantage, slashing his side bad enough he meekly scurries away. Keith knows not to worry whatever the galra due to cowards is worse then whatever he would.

The other two sadly aren't hesitant at all.

Slashing his sword in front of him, Keith manages to nick one of the galra in surprise. The guard turns redirecting his attention to Keith. He smirks, pulling out his own sword that’s several inches longer.

Keith manages to block the blow, the galra has more force, but Keith’s faster. He gets in several small gabs distracting the guard. He's making progress, but it’s slow, and he can already see the other Galra guard's approach.

“Lance,” he huffs annoyedly over his shoulder, “hurry up and get the fuck over here.”

“One second, we're almost there.”

Hearing footsteps behind him Keith groans, great he thinks, another one.

He slashes at the galra’s side and hopes he’s distracted him long enough.

Turning, he steps toward the other guard who pushes against his sword with his own. The guard steps forward and Keith braces his stance. He's always played dirty, knowing the way to win is the element of surprise. He raises his arm and in the moment of the galra's confusion he slams the back of his elbow into the guard's face hard enough he falls to the ground.

Keith sighs heavily, turning to meet the original guard, barely managing to block the enemy's swipe.

“Okay, okay.” Lance calls footsteps picking up in the distance. “Got it.”

Pulling out his bayard it transforms into a gun. Lance breathes deeply bracing his gun with his left hand. He allignes the shoot over Keith's shoulder where the taller Galra chest is. Lance pulls the trigger, hitting where he suspects the galra's heart is. The guard's arm slowly slacken and he wobbles falling backwards with a deep thump. Lance smirks, not sharp-shooter his ass.

“Finally.” Keith huffs letting his sword arm lower, but it's still tense and poised in front of him.

“Yeah, yeah, I hear you. It’s a good thing sharpshooter's here to save your stupid mullethead.”

Keith rolls his eyes. “Don’t refer to yourself in the third person. What are you, a fourth graders who’s trying too hard to be cool?”

“Ouch.” Lance raises his hand to his chest as if the words hurt him, “I'll have you know, I was a very cool fourth grader. In fact there was this one time with-"

“Lance,” Keith cuts off, “we don’t have time, more guards are coming.”

Poking his head around the corner, Keith can see a galra guard running towards them.

“My time to shine.” Lance smirks raising his gun.

Stepping in front of Keith, Lance pokes his head around the corner. Raising his gun he jumps into the halfway, shooting the galra square in the chest. God space guns are the best, he thinks.

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