welcome back !!

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Hey everyone! Welcome to book two: Tornado of Nightmares

So, I'm going to clear some things up before getting into the story. This story is a trilogy, there will be one more book after this one with the same characters. I plan on doing a spin off series after but it will follow everyone's children!!

Everyone's heights:

Ember: 5'8
Faune: 5'8
Kam: 6'5
Royal: 6'4
Lawrence: 6'1
Landon: 6'3
Shann: 6'4
Irina: 5'6
Eden: 5'4
Dilynn: 5'11
Honour: 5'5

Everyone's age:

Ember: 18
Faune: 18
Royal: 18
Shann: 22
Irina: 17
Eden: 18
Lawrence: 19
Kam: 103 (19 in human years, fae aging is different, they reach their prime at 100)
Landon: 100 (18 in human years)
Lokas: 19
Honour: 18
Alastair: 14
Clementine: 7


Reighla (Rey-la)
Llyria (Leer-ah)
Draicon (Drey-con)
Kamolinn (Kam-uh-linn)(like violin)
Lawrence Gwenyth (Lor-ance Gwen-ith)
Winslynn (wins-lin)
Tennia (ten-yeah)
Damean Vinwarrow (Day-me-in Vin-war-oh)
Moriella (Murr-rel-yah)
Marelli (mah-rel-ee)
Brallen (Brah-len)
Pickini (puh-kin-ee)
Durmine (Dur-min)
Oshien (uh-she-in)
Lodashine (low-dah-shine)
Eire (air)
Anala (ah-nal-ah)
Eteri (uh-tier-ee)
Orestes (or-rest-tiss)(last part like hiss)
Tesni (Tez-knee)
Luan (Lou-inn)
Abrelle (ah-brelle)

Gods and Goddesses list

Series 1:
Anala - fire
Ara - water
Eteri - wind
Orestes - earth

Series 2:
Hema - metal
Aslen - wood
Eire - ice

Series 3:
Tesni - sun
Luan - moon
Noore - twilight

Series 4:
Sheerah - blood (speculated)

Series four is highest—strongest, and series one is the most common, not necessarily the weakest but the most common Boundments. Series three is extinct.

Allure/ment - someone paired to an individual with equal magic. Magic merges together. Power very much alike, a bond forms and that person becomes your equal.
Both parties must accept the Allure in order for bond to forge. A person can be Allured to someone and never know. Or can be Allured to someone who refuses the bond. Similar to mates but not destined to be romantic—destined to be equals and their ally. Some marry their Allure because of the love that flows through the bond. A immortal Allured can tie their life to their non immortal Allure, making both parties to live forever. But once the immortal dies the mortal with them, but if the mortal Allure dies the immortal will not. They shared their life force but they will not die.

Mated pairs can tie their lives to their immortal partner(if the other is not immortal)but when one dies so does the other. The other will possibly die from heart break or from the life force they once shared. The love they once shared.

But if they did not tie their lives together when one dies the other will not.

Okay! I hope that cleared some things up!!

Happy reading!!

My release schedule is every friday.

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