A very unique case

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“Sherlock, please, you haven’t had any sleep since two ’o’ clock, please just take my advice!”

“For the millionth time, John, no.”

John Watson sighed and reclined back onto his chair. Sherlock sat on the sofa opposite, his face passive, but his eyes darting quickly from his skull to his laptop and back.

“Look, seriously, do you have to take the case, I mean, it doesn’t even make any logical sense.”

“Oh you’re one to talk about logic.” Sherlock snapped back at him.

“Do you need coffee.”?


John got up from the chair and sighed. “Well, I am off.” Sherlock ignored him and before he could even say anything, he was gone.

Sherlock sighed and got up from his chair. He picked up his violin and he began to play. He struck out heavenly tunes, while pausing in brief moments to fill up the score sheet that adorned the area beside him. But his mind was not on the tune, but it only spun around this one question “The garden, he disappeared from the garden, but how?”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was nearly Quarter to one when John returned, “Ah, what an afternoon! Dinner and then off to the mall- Sherlock… What the hell?” John stood at the door; his eyes ready to pop out from his head “You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me.”

“What, I’m only watching the telly! Isn’t that a habit you have been oh so desperately trying to make me inculcate in my boring self.” Said Sherlock caustically, flipping the channel with discomforting savageness.

“Nothing on the case then.”

Sherlock grunted and pointed at the screen. “Saw the news. Seems like another moron has disappeared without a trace.”

The TV screen flashed with pictures of the man and then to his deranged family. “Get to the point! Will seeing them moan and cry on the man do them any good, or help me solve this case. Sherlock mumbled angrily under his breath “GET TO THE POINT!” he roared as they showed interviews of the family members. “Gah!”

John’s phone began to ring. “Hello. Yes, hi Mycroft. No, I don’t think he’s gotten anywhere with the case. He’s trying…. yeah, yeah, alright. He saw the news! Ok, Bye.” John cut the phone. “Your brother seems rather interested in the case. Why?”

“Apparently it affects him rather personally. Did he mention anything about the weird stuff found on his door yesterday morning?”

“Yes. He said he was sending it over. What was it?”

“Its nothing like anything I have seen before. It’s like DNA, but it fluctuates. You’re a doctor. Does DNA ever fluctuate?’’

“No, nothing like I have ever heard of.”

“Why am I not surprised.” John glared at Sherlock, who got up and stretched from the couch. “Well, I’m off to bed.”

“Off to bed?” John said looking rather surprised.

“Yes, to bed, was I speaking Latin?” asked Sherlock looking mildly annoyed at his friend’s slow processing speed.

“But didn’t you say that you will not sleep till you figure it out?”

“I thought I would get some leads from the homeless network, but they are on a cold trail too. I suppose that we will have to wait till tomorrow. Wake me up at” he glanced at the watch “Um, its one right now, wake me up at nine. Night.”

On The Side of The AngelsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ