It's never really goodbye

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Sherlock and the Doctor were at some distance from the TARDIS. John and Donna hurried in the minute they saw it. “It’s a safe haven.” She had said

Sherlock looked at the Doctor carefully, “Doctor, did you get it?”

“Yeah. Hold on a sec.”

The Doctor patted his suit, and after a little finding, he extracted a little chit of paper. “Here you go, the date is the 9th of May, 2011. It was posted through the mail box.”

Sherlock took the letter and swiftly read through it. He sighed and put it in his coat pocket.

“Will you tell John?”

“No, too risky.”

“I agree. But Sherlock-“

“Did you get the day, it-it-”Sherlock stuttered to a halt, and continued shutting his eyes tightly, his face screwed up in concentration, “the day you-know-what and who happens?”

“I am a time lord, Sherlock. I can see the turn of the Universe. Of course I know what happens.”

“What happens?”

The Doctor pulled Sherlock inside the TARDIS. “Let’s get you home!”

*                      *                      *                      *                      *                      *

“221 B Baker Street! London! England! Earth! The Solar System! Blimey aren’t you a good girl…” The Doctor stroked the TARDIS’s console fondly. Donna and John were in hysterics, while Sherlock looked glumly at the TARDIS’s corals.

“Come on you two, time to hop out!”

The Doctor and Donna led John and Sherlock outside the TARDIS. It was a bright day, brighter than usual, and a few surprised people were staring at the TARDIS. “Oi, you lot.” Donna demanded at the staring crowd. They raced off.

“Thank you Sherlock, John. You’ll really gave the privilege to work with you on this amazing case.” The Doctor remarked humbly.  Donna nodded in ascent.

Sherlock smiled and held out his hand, “the privilege is not yours Doctor, it’s mine. This has been the best case I have ever employed my faculties on.” The Doctor shook Sherlock’s hand.

John grinned, “You sure will come around to visit, right?”

“You’re my friends! Of course I’ll come around. Donna would like that, wont you Donna?”

“Wha- Yeah, yeah sure.”

“Sherlock is a busy man, an you help him out to, otherwise I would’ve asked you to travel with me.”

“Maybe some other time Doctor. Come on John.” Sherlock rung the bell. Mrs. Hudson came out and with her warm smile gave Sherlock and John a little hug. She cast her eyes on the Doctor and his blue box, “Oh, you’re the fellow who came around last time, yes?”

“Yes ma’am.” The Doctor smiled politely, bending forward, “I am the Doctor, and this is Donna.”

Donna waved, “Hello.”

“We must be off, eh?”


The Doctor turned around and Donna tailed him as they entered the TARDIS. John and Mrs. Hudson were going inside. In a few seconds the TARDIS had just begun to take off when-

“Sherlock, where are you going?” cried John as Sherlock raced out of 221B. “No where!” he snarled back. He charged out of the door, pushing a few surpirised tourists to the pavement, stopped right in front of the dematerializing TARDIS and screeched , “DOCTOR, COME OUT NOW!”

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