The Grand Scheme

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The next morning, when John woke up, he saw Sherlock talking to someone on the phone, but his face was somehow contorted into a forced happy face and he exaggerated every sweet reaction. “Yes, two rooms booked in the name of Mycroft Holmes. A suite? Yes that would be lovely! I am so sorry, I could not get you to give it to me before. Yes, I spoke to him, yeah. Thank you, thank you so much!”

He cut the phone and placed it in his pocket with a flourish before turning his smile into a scowl. “Okay, then we are all sorted.”


“The plan is about to be set in motion.” Said Sherlock giving a sly smile.

There was a genteel knock on the door, before Mrs. Hudson poked her head in, “Woo-hoo?”

“Ah, Mrs. Hudson, what is it?”

“Your taxi, Sherlock its at the door.”

“Brilliant,” he got up and picking up his bag walked out energetically of the 221 B. John picked up his bag and followed Sherlock all the way downstairs. As they were about to leave, Mrs. Hudson hugged both of them in turn. “I will miss you, boys. Be quick now!” Sherlock smiled politely and John replied, “That’s a promise Mrs. Hudson. We’ll be back before you can say “Not your housekeeper!” “

Mrs. Hudson smiled and hugged John Watson. As John sat in the taxi, he could feel a horrible foreboding…something he had never felt before in any of the cases he had solved with Sherlock before. He had always felt secure, and known that however horrible circumstances might become, Sherlock would always find a way out. But now this was an alien cause, what could Sherlock, a human possibly do?

Meanwhile the scene inside the TARDIS was nothing anything different

“Do we really have to do this, Doctor?” said Donna pulling at her dress. They had just saved Agatha Christie from a rather evil vespiform and she had had enough surprises to last her a lifetime, “I’m really not feeling very good about this. Can we just ditch that man, and just, visit a planet or something like that, please?”

“No Donna. This is a matter related to Earth, and that comes before anything and everything.” Said the Doctor philosophically, turning about a few levers, consulting his watch, “In a few more minutes, we will appear right in front of the Ritz, andwe will meet Sherlock there and then, the plan can be put into action!” the Doctor jumped happily and looked at Donna, expecting her to share his happiness, but she just stared at him. A long sticky silence reined the console room.

“You like all these kinds of things don’t you? Just make sure you don’t put the whole bloody world at risk.” Said Donna at last. The Doctor smiled and his hands reassuringly on her shoulder, “It won’t take more than a day or two, promise!”

Donna huffed and asked, “Will his colleague be there too?”

“I suppose.”

“That’s good I suppose.” Donna leaned back on the console as the Doctor raise his eyebrows as of in suspicion and then in barely a few seconds, the TARDIS took off with a familiar lurch and shot off to the London.

            * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sherlock and John stood at the base of the hotel. He consulted his watch. “They are late.” He mumbled. “For a man with a time machine, his timing is terrible.”

Barely a few seconds after the words had left his mouth; there was a sudden swooshing noise and the TARDIS materialized and the Doctor stepped out, “Am I late?”

“Exactly ten minutes.”

The Doctor grumbled something, before grabbing one of his bags and marching out of the TARDIS. Donna followed him out, casting a stultified look at Sherlock and a weary smile in John’s direction, which he graciously returned.

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