Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey

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Sorry, this chapter is a bit short!!!!!


The Sun’s bright rays managed to penetrate through John’s eyelids. His mind was empty, as the Angel had left it. All those scary thoughts, the horrific images, all gone, everything was alright, just as Sherlock had promised…

Sherlock…John opened his eyelids at the mere thought of his friend. It was a bright, sunny day, and yet John was terrified. He was terrified of what he might have to see. “My best friend, Sherlock Holmes…”

He stood up slowly and wobbled outside the garden, and saw, much to his relief, that The Doctor, Donna and Sherlock were standing there smiling and laughing. The Doctor was on a roll; Donna was looking as charming as ever, but Sherlock looked rather sedated and calm as opposed to the other two. John couldn’t help but shout, ‘Sherlock! You’re alive!” Sherlock turned around immediately to face John, his face putting on the brightest smile it could muster. But it faded almost immediately with the look John was giving him. It was that of pure murder.

 “John, I-“

“You idiot, you absolute moron, you pathetic little-“ John moved menacingly forward, froth building around the edges of his mouth.

“Alright John, I suppose he has had enough of a trauma to last him a lifetime.” The Doctor said pulling John back. Sherlock cringed and said quietly, “I did not mean to scare you like that, I am really very sorry.”

It took a few minutes to calm John down. But when he did, there could have been no one happier.

“So Doctor,” Donna said after a long time, ‘What exactly happened? I mean, in one minute we are stuck somewhere in the ‘20s and about to die, when all of a sudden we reach the correct timeline, with not an Angel in sight.”

“We-ll, it’s a sort of complicated-I dunno…its some timey wimey stuff….”

“Go on” Donna demanded. “I am sure John and Sherlock would like to know what happened.”

“I caused it.” Sherlock said quietly.


“You see, in the end I was the only one that survived, the last survivor, and all our four timelines would be over the minute I died. Me being captured there established all these timelines. So if I died, I would make sure that I never get captured there in  the first place. The Angels are without food so they-“

“They are not without food, we have killed them. A paradox poisons the temporal energy that they feed on. The ones that are left are very weak.”

The Doctor cast his eye on the last Angel remaining. “So what do we do? Leave it here.”

“Yeah.” Donna looked at the Angel with some disgust.

“What can we do about it anyway?” John said

But Sherlock walked quickly into the garden. The Doctor screech, “Sherlock, come back here!”

Sherlock walked to the edge of the garden and picked up his trusty metal hammer. He walked to the Angel and with his meticulous evil grin said, “Leaving it here? Boring.”

And with a swift, fluidic motion, he let the hammer fall on the Angels face, beheading it. He broke it down, piece by piece. After the deed was done, Sherlock walked back, admiring his handiwork.

The Doctor, Donna and John ogled at Sherlock as he walked past, feeling considerably lighter with each step. He had finally avenged them.

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