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The next morning was much more smooth for Scott. For starters he actually got up on time, he was able to take his time in the shower and actually dry his hair unlike the day before. Mitch on the other hand woke up 15 minutes later. He took a rushed shower and blew hot air onto his hair for a couple minutes but it was still damp there was no time to finish it. Both boys made the bus fling pretty much what they did the day before listen to music the whole ride for Mitch and talk to mark for Scott. finally after what seemed like forever to the blond the bus pulled up to the school.
"Bye Mark I'll see you later." Scott waved at his best friend with a smile. He headed into the school immediately spotting Kirstie. She looked up and gave her usual smile and wave starting to walk over. Scott flipped and darted into the boys room he didn't want to deal with talking to Kirstie right away he was still shakin up about admitting he might be gay last night. It also just so happened he actually had to use the restroom. As Scott finished up he heard another toilet flush next to him, he didn't think anything of it it was a public bathroom after all he left his stall to wash his hands and then the other door opened and out walked the small brunette none other then Mitch Grassi.
"Oh, hi Scott" Mitch smiled up
"Oh... hi Mitch how are you."
"I'm good thanks."
Both boys started washing there hands when Mitch looked up
"Scott, are you gay?"
His face was red and he looked like he wasn't quite sure if that was ok to ask.
"What? No. Why did somone say i was?"
Mitch looked upset he looked down grabbing one arm across his body.
"Oh no reason i was just asking no one said anything, i just thought... maybe."
"Oh alright. Bye Mitch."
Scott left and Mitch kinda just stood there
"Damn my gay-dar has almost never failed me.... i was sure. I guess i can't always guess right and who was i to think i had a shot with him he's probably dating the girl from yesterday"
The bathroom door opened causing Mitch To get out of his throughts... and the bathroom. With that Mitch went to home room. He sat in the same seat as yesterday but tony wasn't there today. He reached down into his backpack and pulled out his iPad opening up procreate (a drawing app) he hoped to be an artist some day but who knows. He started working on a drawing of a fairy he was previously working on.
"Hey, that's really good."
He looked up at the unfamiliar voice
"Thanks. I'm Mitch by the way."
He smiled up at the kid
"Austin. Sooo you like to draw?"
"Yeah it's probably my favorite thing to do next to singing,"
"That's pretty cool."
With that the teacher walked in causing Austin to give Mitch a knowing look before turning and taking a seat towards the front of the classroom. The day went on no one had chorus today so that was out of the schedule Mitch did have a art class with Scott but sat away from in he wasn't sure if Scott was ok with what he asked earlier. Scott did however shoot him a sad glance when he sat away. When lunch rolled around Scott was excited after a lot of thought he decided he would tell Mitch his secret. Even though he barely knew the boy he felt a connection and trusted him with his all. So you could imagine how sad he was when Mitch sat in the other side of the cafe with some Austin kid he didn't talk to.
"I just don't get it kirstie, he was talking to me this morning and now he seems to be avoiding me?"
"Maybe he's just confused Scott you gotta remember he's new he's probably just trying to meet people and keep his options open."
"Yeah probably."
Scott and Kirstie ate and then the day went on Scott didn't see Mitch anymore that day.

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