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Scott shot out of his bathroom wearing only his low hanging blue towel on his hips. He dashed over to his nightstand checking his phone for the time 7:12, his bus comes at 7:16.
"Damnit 4 minutes" was muttered under his breathe. He ran around the room sniffing shirts until he found a light pink one that didn't smell to bad. He threw it over his head and pulled on a pair of blue jeans before grabbing his backpack on the way out the door. He made his way downstairs to the kitchen checking the time 7:14 two minutes
"Good morning mom."
"Morning Scotty first day and tour already running late."
Scott chuckled "yeah well you know me." He replied humorously as he grabbed a pop tart and headed out the door to catch the bus he got to his stop at 7:16 right when the bus pulled up. He pulled himself up the stairs and heaved into the 2nd seat sitting right next to Mark.
"Scotty!" Mark was pulling out his earbuds were he was previously listening to rain on me.
"Hey mark, i missed you!"
"Same here." He reached up and messed with Scott's wet hair. "Why is your wet?" He laughed out at his tall friend. Scott chuckled and turned to him
"I woke up late and didn't have time to do it."
"Makes sense" mark laughed. They talked about there summer for the rest of the bus ride Scott ate his pop tarts and during the last 5 minutes they each took an AirPod and listened to rain on me. When the bus arrived at school they both got off going to there lockers hoping to see Kirstie at hers but she wasn't there.
"Maybe she's late?" Mark looked up at Scott who obviously was also wondering where she was
"Kirstie? No way. She's probably in home room already."
Mark and Scott walked down the hall together before separating to go into there home rooms which happened to be right next to each other. Scott walked in to his and sure enough there was his short friend excitedly talking to a girl named amber about something. Scott was friendly with Amber but wouldn't go as far as to say that they are friends. Suddenly brown eyes met his blue ones.
Kirstie squealed jumping up to hug her tall friend.
"Hey Kirst" Scott smiled down to her. He took the seat next to her and let her continue her conversation with Amber while he pulled out his phone to text Mark.

Rewind time

6:30 Mitch's alarm buzzed alerting him that it was time to get up. He groggily rolled over still practically asleep hit the off button and dragged himself out of bed. Mitch sleepily walked over to his bathroom starting the cold shower, he quickly undressed from his undies and large T-shirt stepping into the cold water instantly waking up more.
"First day at a new school.... you got this Mitch."
He muttered to himself as he washed off he stepped out putting on a white bathrobe and tiring his hair in a white towel walking over to his bed. He sat on the edge and grabbed his phone off the charger 6:45 not bad. After scrolling through insta for a few minutes he went back into the bathroom to do his hair. He took of the towel and blow dried it before brushing out the longer bit in the back. The he did his makeup before going to his closet putting on black skinny jeans and a black T-shirt that said balenciaga. Of course it was fake though because what high school student has balenciaga. He glanced down at his watch 7:04 he grabbed his new black backpack by the handle before heading down to meet his mom in the kitchen.
"Good morning  mitchy" she smiled at him and he gratefully returned it
"Morning mom"
His mother set a plate of pancakes in front of him.
"Yum thanks!"
"Of course." His mom kissed his head as she went to go take her own shower but stopped about half way to the stairs.
"Oh and Mitchy.."
Mitch looked to her.
"Have a great day and don't be to worried if you don't make a friend right away."
"Ok mom thanks love you."
"Love you too."
Mitch finished his pancakes putting the dish in the sink he checked the time 7:15, perfect timing to catch his 7:20 bus he grabbed his backpack and headed for the bus stop. When he got on the bus he took the first seat behind the driver looking around. All the other kids seemed like they were talking to someone he didn't want to intrude so he just kept to himself. He pulled out his AirPods cone ting them to his new phone and enjoyed hit different on repeat. When the bus got to school he put his earbuds away and walked into the big building following everyone else. He grabbed his map to get to the senior hallway trying to find his way through the crowd once he started getting close he was watching locker numbers to find his. When he got here he
It away some of his afternoon stuff so he wouldn't have to carry it all day before finding his home room. After about 6 minutes of searching he found it he walked in seeing most of the kids talking a few were on there phones. he looked around it looked pretty normal but one kid in particular caught his eye a blond boy looking at Phone in the back. He walked towards the back towards the boy.
"Hello I'm Mitch" he smiled at the boy sitting there. The boy looked up brown eyes meeting his own brown eyes.
"Oh uh hey I'm tony."
"Nice to meet you mind if i sit here?"
Mitch gestured towards the empty seat next to him.
"No go ahead.
"Thanks you!"
Mitch sat down pulling out his phone not knowing what else to say to the blond.

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