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Hiiiii thanks for coming back again ily! Don't forget to vote and comment so ik you like it i live for them!

The lunch bell rang and Scott was the first one up running for the door. He grabbed his homework on the way out running all the way to cafe. When he got to the cafe he walked right over to his table of course Kirstie was there like always, somehow she always beat everyone. Scott plopped down.
"Well well you seem... anxious."
Kirstie said to him with a hint of something in her voice. Scott just looked down to her with a skeptical look.
"Well yeah i invited Somone new to eat with us."
He dead panned like he answered the universes most wondered question.
He waved Mitch over. The smaller boy made his way over taking the seat across from Scott. He reached into his backpack and pulled out a slice of pizza wrapped in tin foil. When he looked up the two besties were staring at him like he had three eyes. He stared back.
"Uh... hello?"
He half questioned with a small wave.
"Hi Mitch"
Scott smiled at him while Kirstie looked between the two and then they ate in silence. When the lunch bell rang Scott was a bit upset that they didn't talk much but at least it was a comfortable silence. It was one of those feeling that they didn't have to talk they were just happy in each others presence. Later that day after everyone was home from school Scott threw large body onto his bed laying on his stomach as he FaceTimed Kirstie.
Her cheer rang straight through the phone making a smile force it's way to Scott's face.
"Hi Kirstie!"
"So wassup"
"Nuthing i was just about to start my homework and was wondering if you wanted to do the science together."
"Oh ok sure i was working on my math, wanna do it in 10 minutes?"
Scott smiled and pulled out his book to get his chapter for English done while Kirstie did her math on the phone.
"Ok I'm done we can do the science now!"
Scott book marked his book and they both pulled out the the science and started working. As they were working Kirstie got a knowing smile looking up into the camera.
"So..... Mitch?"
Scott looked up at the name.
"What about him?"
"What's your deal with him? You act ... different."
"Yeah well... i don't know maybe it's just because i don't really know him yet."
Scott dismissed it but of course Kirstie kept going.
" no really Scott it's different then just not knowing him, like your whole personality changes."
Scott's face was getting red as he searched through his backpack for a pencil he didn't need. Of course Kirstin kept prodding at it.
"Scott ... are you... gay?"
Scott's head shot up. His face was beat red and he was sweating.
"HA! As if..."
"Scott you can tell me anything....."
"Ok yes, i think, idk.... i honestly don't know what i am kirst but please, you can't tell ANYONE."
"Ok i won't."
She smiled at her friend and they finished the homework in science until Scott got i comfy and used a classic excuse.
"Uh hay kirst i think i gotta go my moms calling me."
"Wow classic excuse Hoying, byeeeee."
"Hehe sorry bye."
They hung up and Scott couldn't tell if he was relieved or terrified with Kirstie knowing. He later decided it was both and went in with his night

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