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Hiiiii i hope you guys are liking the story I'm doing my best don't forget to comment and vote it really makes my day :) anyway on to the storyyyyy and thanks for coming back/ continuing!
The bell rang and Scott stood up waiting for Kirstie as she said goodbye to Amber
"Ready to go?" He looked to her
"Ok great what class do you have next?"
Kirstie pulled her folded schedule out of her pocket to check.
"I have chorus" she smiled up at Scott
"Oh same! We can walk together then."
They laughed and started heading to chorus both knowing it was going to be a combination of the same 34 kids from the last three years.  Kirstie looked up at Scott.
"I hope we don't have Jackson in our class."
"Yeah me too that jerk always picking on kids, he can't even sing."
"For real.
The two continued to talk as they walked to the familiar classroom they got there and walked in taking a look around to see who was there. Sure enough they were right no one new and of course with there luck there was Jackson in the second row. Scott and Kirstie both went to the back left corner and sat down just in time for attendance.
"Hello everyone my name is Mrs Rogers as you all know. I'm going to start attendance raise your hand when i call your name
"Jason. Alex. Alyssa. Olivia. Nina......"
Scott and Kirstie started whispering to each other about how the teacher never changes.
Scott threw a hand to his mouth realizes he wasn't supposed to say it.
"Sorry" he mumbled
"Your fine."
She raised her hand.
That name had the whole class look up. It was new a new kid in senior year was very unusual.
A small boy in the back right corner slowly rose his hand as the class stared. The teacher continued calling names as a quiet murmur broke out.
"Who is he?" Kirstie looked to Scott
"I have no idea, what's name again?"
"Idk i think Michael or something."
The whole class was quiet as the teacher started instructing them on what warmups to do. While it definitely looked like Scott was paying attention he was far more interested in the doe eyes boy in the back. He kept glancing over every chance he got. When chorus was finally over and they were getting ready leave Scott stood by the door to wait for the boy. Right as he was walking passed Scott put and arm out on his shoulder.
"Hi I'm Scott. Are you new here?"
"Uhm.. hi yeah i just moved here I'm Mitch"
Mitch shakily reached to say hi. That's another thing you might not know about Mitch he was bullied in his old school so he's scared of most people that's why saying hello to tony earlier made him so nervous.
"Oh hi Mitch where are you from?"
"New York City."
"Oh wow! I've always wanted to visit there."
"Yeah.. it's alright."
"Cool so i was wondering if maybe you would like to sit with me and my friends at lunch?"
"Um sure-"
"Great see you soon.... Mitch "
As Scott started walking his forgotten friend Kirstie caught up.
"What was that?"
He looked down to his shorter friend
"You seemed really interested in the boy."
"Oh yeah he seems like a nice friend"
"Oh ok cool. Did you invite him to lunch?"
"Ok ! See you then Scotty bucket!"
She smiled as she half hopped half skipped away to her next class. In English Scott was trying to do his work but all he could think about was that beautiful high voice and those perfect doe eyes, all he could think about was Mitch. He was so excited to see him at lunch but he was honestly very confused on why he took such a liking to this boy he doesn't even know. But he did know he wanted more of him


After chorus Mitch was so excited he was actually invited to sit with actual people for lunch that was rare. Not to mention the tall blond was drop dead gorgeous. His blond locks sat perfectly on his head and his blue eyes sparkled when the light hit them, and even more going for him was he liked to sing! Mitch was so excited to see him later that day at lunch.

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