~Chapter Ten~ *FINALE*

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After I stomped Patrick's skull into the fucking curb I decided to run through the streets in search of shelter. I ran and ran until my Walmart shoes starting brushing against the pavement and getting holes. This is bullshit. I run into an alley and take shelter under the lid of a trash can. I start to sob, I mean how has my life come to this? I had a great life before, even before Patrick. I had a wonderful boy I was in love with and great friends. But of course, I had to fuck that up, flee the whole city and change my name. In all honesty though, the people I hurt deserved it, they were fucking freaks anyways. But Patrick he changed me, kinda. Maybe I'm just crazy or something but what's wrong with that? I sob until there is nothing left, but then, a figure appears around the corner. It's James Pickens Jr.

"James what are you doing here?? How did you even find me??" I struggle to speak.

"I followed the bloody footprints from Patrick's dead ass and happened to find you here." He giggles

He walks up to me and looks deeply into my eyes. What the fuck is he trying to do. He picks me up forcefully and pins me against the brick wall. He smashes his chapped lips onto mine but, for some reason, I decide to kiss back, maybe it was just all the hurt trying to disappear.


After that fateful night where Patrick died and our house fucking burned into ash, James was my comfort and that quickly got old so it kinda became a sugar baby thing since I'm 20 and he's like dying of old age. And then that turned into an engagement. Which turned into me searching for plain white dresses and sampling cakes. I did not want to do this but what was there to lose at this point. The wedding was complete dog shit, recently I was able to realize that, I miss Patrick a lot. But there was nothing left I could do about it, so I languished in a loveless marriage with a dirty-ass old man.

"Y/n...Do you take James Pickens Junior as your lawfully wedded husband?" the priest Chandra Wilson said out of her little book

"Yeah, whatever" I mutter, this is genuinely so embarrassing.

"James Pickens Junior, do you take y/n as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"Yes of course!" He smiles at me, I glare back.

"By the power vested in me you are now husband and wife, you may kiss the bride!" Chandra exclaims

He kisses me with those crusty ass lips and we run down the aisle "cheerfully", this is the beginning of the rest of my life, and all I can do is pretend to be happy about it.


authors note - hi guys!! first off let me say that this story is completely ironic if u didn't already catch that but thank u guys for the reads, this story truly has taken effort so i hope anyone who stuck through the end enjoyed! we started writing this like 2 years ago with no plan and it just ended up as this, still shocked it has 60k but not complaining! may be a sequel if we feel like it Lolz

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