Final Goodbye

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Dear Readers,

You've come across this book and you have read many chapters. You might've disliked the majority of them, and that's okay. When I first started this book, I was seventeen. I was being abused in every sense of the word. I wrote this book as an escape. I pictured my hero and wrote him out as Sebastian.

What you guys need to know is that Sebastian does exist. I found the love of my life as you will you find yours. But Sebastian also exists inside us, just as Savannah does. You are your own hero. You have the ability to pull yourself out of anything, thus the title of this book.

When you do pull yourself out, it makes that love you feel towards others ten times stronger. There are resources for you. Here is a few of them:

800-273-8255 (National Suicide Hotline)

1-800-656-4673 (Rainn, National Sexual Assault Line)

These are US based. If you are not the US, please take a moment to find resources in your areas. I promise it will be worth it. You will get through this, even if it doesn't seem like it.

On a side note, this book has been tiring and painstakingly long, and now it must come to end. I will be deleting any other works on this account, except for this one. I realized that I want write. Writing is my passion and the only thing that makes me feel whole. I want to pursue a career in writing. I want to work on something I can publish. Not just a daydream of a broken girl that I was.

Therefore, a new wattpad account. Maybe I'll make it big. Maybe you'll scroll past me in Barnes & Nobles, or maybe even a movie adaptation that you go see. No matter what it is, I will be pursuing my dream. Just like I hope you all do too.

Remember that I love you all. You are worthy and you are capable of anything you put your mind too. Just have a little hope.

Til we meet again,

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