Fortune Arcana

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Ebizo was about to leave the house to have ice cream with Akoto, before Suzue stopped him in his tracks. Tasuku was holding her hand loosely.

"Why don't you take your brother with you?" She suggested, "Tasuku wants some ice cream... don't you, sweetie?"

Tasuku nodded excitedly. "Ice cream! I want chocolate! We only have vanilla here... plus, mommy can't take me to the park because she has to wait for a parcel."

"Oh, yes! The park!" Suzue chirped, "You can take your friend and Tasuku there! You can sit down and talk whilst Tasuku goes on the swings."

Ebizo sighed and grabbed Tasuku's hand. "Okay, but no running off. Stay in my line of sight," he told his brother, "I... don't think Akoto has actually interacted with children before, so ignore her if she says anything weird."

Tasuku nodded and pulled Ebizo out of the door. "We have to get there early before all of the good ice cream sells out!" He cried.

He then proceeded to pull Ebizo along for the rest of the way, muttering something about collectible toys and several different flavours of ice cream. Normal child things.

Akoto was sitting on a bench and frowned upon seeing Tasuku. "Oh. You didn't... you didn't tell me that you were bringing... small child," she pouted. "Sorry. I'm not very good with children..."

"He's just here for the ice cream," Ebizo gestured to the stand near them. "He'll play on the playground after that. Don't worry. What flavour did you want?"

She stared at the ice cream stand behind them. "Mm. Raspberry. It says they get them from nearby. That means it's good, right?"

Ebizo shrugged his shoulders and got the ice creams for the three of them. Tasuku took his and ran off, stuffing his mouth with it. It was a good thing he had been given a tissue to use.

The two teenagers sat down on the park bench and watched Tasuku gobble down the last few pieces of his ice cream. Akoto shifted awkwardly in her seat. She was the one to set up this meeting, yet she hadn't had the faintest clue of what to talk about.

Luckily, Ebizo was there to break the ice. "I have to ask - how does a teenager get away with living on her own?" He asked her, "I mean... what about the government? How do you get money?"

"Oh! Um... wow, big question, starting out strong," she chuckled. "My parents left me with a sizeable inheritance. The house was already paid off. Um... I like to think I'm old enough to take care of myself."

"You're still a minor, by a year, at least," Ebizo reminded her, "You still should have someone checking up on you..."

"No...? I mean, school asks, sure, but I'm fine. Really," Akoto assured him, "You worry too much... I don't eat a lot, anyway. Never have."

"Well... you're always welcome to come visit," he smiled at her. "My family will always add an extra chair. I know my mom will be excited to meet one of my friends..."

"You act like I can't feed myself!" Akoto rolled her eyes. "Is that why you got me ice cream? You're worried about me, aren't you? That's so sweet... I'd better not tell Aurora. She might get jealous."

"I didn't see you in the first year. Koichi said you transferred at the start of this year. You weren't there for the first year - I should know that," Ebizo glanced away for a second. "Did you go to a school outside of Jansaai? There's only one high school here..."

"Uh... yeah, I must've," Akoto mumbled, "I read every book I could to prepare. The library lady knows me pretty well! You should see all the books I have in my house. I have a room full of them. I, uh... didn't have many friends until I met you and Koichi."

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