Hopeless Ultra Girl

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Chieko glanced at the unconscious Kinuya, then back to Lilith. She wouldn't let her become another Shinsui. "Alright, it's weak to Psy attacks, is it?" She scoffed, "Giant blob... meet Psio!"

Lilith sent a psy attack hurtling towards Shadow Kinuya. It hit the shadow dead-on, causing it to scream out in agony.

"Uh, this won't hurt Kinuya, will it?" Koichi asked Natsumi, hesitant to send another attack towards the thing.

"Not at all," Natsumi insisted, "Although... we can calm it, but I fear it won't go away until Kinuya has accepted it... I hope that she comes round after we've calmed it down."

Koichi nodded and readied an attack. "Zionga!" He cried, Pan sending an electrical attack from their dagger.

It didn't do much to the shadow. It damaged them a bit, but not as much as Chieko's attack did. He was lucky that it didn't resist electrical attacks.

"Ah, I know what might speed this up!" Natsumi gasped. "Chieko, you can use a poison attack! If we try and poison it... it'll take damage over time, without us attacking it!"

"That's a smart idea," Ebizo agreed, "Confusion and fear have a low chance of working... and we'll still have to damage it. Plus, I'm pretty sure fear would work better with those pirates, and not Kinuya. She's not afraid of a boy in a green outfit."

"I'm... not sure that's how it works, Ebizo," Aurora chuckled, narrowly avoiding an attack from the shadow. "Ah... can we hurry it along before I get hit, please?"

Chieko grinned and pointed dramatically at Shadow Kinuya. "Hey, you freak! Stop stealing Kin-Kin's face!" She demanded, "Poisma!"

Luckily, the attack managed to hit Shadow Kinuya. The giant blob turned purple and grunted every minute or so. It seemed to be working.

"Ha, nice!" Ebizo applauded. This was working out better than he thought. "Hey, Tsuki-Yomi! Giant slice, now!"

In response to Ebizo's command, Tsuki-Yomi sent out a physical attack towards their enemy. It was a hit.

Aurora huffed and threw a knife towards the giant blob of a shadow. "Ha... take that! My persona attacks may not be the greatest against you, but... you can't stop my knives!"

With Aurora's hit, the shadow seemed to be defeated. It stopped attacking them, but for some reason, it didn't go back into the form from before. It stayed as a giant blob.

"It looks like it's stuck," frowned Koichi. "Natsumi, I thought you said that it would... th-this isn't like anything I've ever seen before...!"

"I-I don't know what's going on, either-!" Natsumi insisted, "What's wrong with it? Any normal shadow would've... would've turned back by now..."

'Shadow Kinuya' began to sink into the ground. It tried to reform back into a humanoid state, but couldn't keep to one form. Then, all of a sudden, it began to crumble into a pile of ash. It reminded Ebizo of a statue falling apart. All too quickly, all that was left of the being was a pile of ash and rock.

Natsumi hesitantly approached the pile and poked it with her foot. "I... that was... I... I don't believe that this was actually Kinuya's shadow," she announced to the group, "This must've been... a mask... I've certainly never seen a shadow use that tactic before. They're... they're getting stronger. It's a good thing there's more of you now."

Ebizo and Chieko ignored this for now and rushed over to Kinuya. She was still passed out, but there was no blood to be seen. That was one good thing, at least.

"Let's take her home," Ebizo grunted as he lifted Kinuya up. "We... defeated the master shadow, right? We can go back now? Everything is fixed? It's probably a stretch to say that this won't happen again, huh?"

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