This Charming Persona

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Natsumi guided the two to the groundskeeper's... shack? Place? Ebizo wasn't sure how to describe it. It was as if someone had taken the idea of a 'haunted shack' and turned it up to eleven.

The shack had turned more into a mansion, one that you'd see in horror movies. He could've sworn that he saw a ghost or two in the windows. It looked as if it was going to fall apart at any second.

Aurora looked at the place and smirked. "Hey, Ebizo... who ya gonna call?" she joked, pointing finger guns at him.

"Uh, the police, probably," responded Ebizo, not in the mood for spooky references. "Natsumi, we just have to... do what, exactly?"

Natsumi looked up at the structure and frowned. "Hmm... I don't think I can reason with these guys for you. They don't tend to listen to me, but if they have a master, then they definitely won't listen to me. This really hasn't happened before... so I won't be much help..."

"It's okay," Aurora reassured her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Ebizo and I are just going to talk to this groundskeeper... can you come with us, in case you can convince your friends to be nice?"

"Okay!" Natsumi agreed, nodding excitedly. "They may look different at first, but they're still the same shadows as before! A new master always changes their appearance to their liking-"

Ebizo looked at Natsumi worryingly. The few concepts he managed to grasp about this place were slipping once again. "Erm. Shadows? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Huh? You guys don't know?" Natsumi asked them, tilting her head. "I thought you were shadows too, just like me... is this a joke? If you're not shadows, what are you, then?"

"H-Human beings, obviously-!" Aurora interjected, "What are shadows? What do you mean by that?"

Natsumi pointed to a ghost in front of them. By ghost, Ebizo was referring to the weird thing with a white blanket over it. Like a poor halloween costume.

It charged towards Ebizo and Aurora, throwing off the white blanket. Underneath, the... thing... was a woman with wings. Like a fairy, Ebizo thought. Maybe he was losing it.

"That's Pixie!" Natsumi cried, jumping up and down excitedly. "You guys can defend yourselves, right? You have some weapons?"

Aurora looked at her and shook her head. "Um... I-I suppose I could've borrowed a knife or too... what are we supposed to-"

Pixie extended out her hand towards Ebizo. "Zio!" they cried, a bolt of lightning shooting towards him.

Screaming, Ebizo threw himself to the ground to avoid it. "Natsumi, do something-!" he yelled, "Can't you stop... it?!"

She shook her head and sat down on the ground, watching them fight. "I'm not supposed to hurt them... my master says so. Plus, they're my friends!"

"Heed me..."

Ebizo whirled around. What the hell was that? Did someone just whisper to him?

"Ebizo!" Aurora said in between dodges, "D-Do something-! Don't just stand there! You'll get hit!"

"You who thirst for power... call my name. You've always known it."

He scratched his head before dodging another hit. They couldn't keep this up for long. Natsumi definitely wasn't going to help.

As he crashed to the floor, Ebizo felt the bump of something hit his chest. He felt around in the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a small pocket mirror.

Whilst Pixie was busy attacking Aurora, Ebizo stared into the mirror. It was faint, but there was a figure of sorts behind him. When he looked behind him, no one was there. The figure was only seen through this mirror.

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