To The Future

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The group erupted into cheers once order was restored. They had finally done it. Pyrrha was no more, and Luethea was no longer a threat to their world. It didn't seem real.

"We should have a celebration!" Chieko chirped, "Tomorrow, right? Make sure you're all free!"

"Tomorrow it is," Aurora smiled at them. "Um, Ebizo's mom... I'm sorry for what happened to your mother..."

"Don't apologise," Suzue replied, "I'm glad it happened. It had to be done. It-"


Taijo rushed over to the group and pulled Suzue into a hug. "I... I saw everything! The part about your mother, and where you come from, and what crazy thing Ebizo did, and-"

"Calm down!" Suzue chuckled nervously. "But, um... you see why I couldn't tell you, right? There's no way you would've believed me... If you don't want to be with me anymore because of who I am-"

"Are you kidding? I'll never leave you, Suzue," Taijo declared, "If anything, this just proves how unique you are. I'm so lucky to have a wife like you... I love you and our family. I don't care where you're from - I love you. So much."

Suzue wiped a tear from her eye. "I-I'm... so happy. I was so scared that you would leave me... Ah! That reminds me!" She turned her attention to Henry and Tristesse. "Won't you two come visit me, now? I missed you, Henry. Besides, you have to officially introduce me to your sister!"

"Of course I will," Henry grinned. "I'll clear things with our master, first, but then I'll be back! You can count on it!"

The group said goodbye to each other and headed off. It was getting late. Besides, Ebizo was planning on spending tomorrow revisiting everyone to see how they were doing. There was an earthquake, after all.


When Ebizo headed downstairs the next morning, Tasuku tackled him. He looked up to his brother with a grin. "Ebizo! You'll never guess what!"

"Okay - what?" Ebizo smiled at him.

"The project me and daddy were working on was a success! Everyone loves me now!" Tasuku exclaimed, "Oh, um... I guess your advice helped, too. People are nice to me, now. I've made some friends, too! I've told them all about you. Can you meet them?"

"I'll see what I can do, Tasuku," Ebizo patted his brother's head and headed over to Kinuya. "Hey. How are you doing?"

Kinuya was looking up about booking a doctor's appointment. "Hi, Ebizo. Um... I've decided to see someone. About all my thoughts and stuff. I don't want to feel like this anymore... and this is the first step, right?"

"Right," Ebizo replied, "We'll be here every step of the way. We're family, after all! It's what we do!"

"I might meet your friends, too. Mom says I should make some more," Kinuya chuckled. "I think she's just worrying..."

Taijo put down his newspaper and pointed to the front page. "Here, look! It's on the front cover!" He cried, "Shinsui's father was finally arrested for domestic abuse charges! It took a while, but we finally managed to bring the case into the light."

"Sorry, what?" Ebizo blinked at him. "You never told me about that!"

"I couldn't really, Ebizo," Taijo told him, "We found odd marks on Shinsui's body, you see. So we did some investigating. Turns out the guy is a pretty nasty piece of work. It's one of the things I've been working towards this entire time. I'm glad it's all over..."

Persona: World of TwilightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant