An "Examination"

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The door opens, and a lady walks in, holding a clipboard.

???: Hey there. My name's Monica, and I'll be your doctor today.

Silica: Okay. Nice to meet you. My name's Silica.

Monica: Mice to meet you as well, Silica. So, tell me what's going on.

Silica: Not much really.. I've just been having some strange pain in my legs is all.

Monica: Alright then. I'll take a look.

Monica closes the door behind her and walks over to Silica. She pokes Silica's legs in a few places, asking if it hurt or not. After doing that for a little bit, she walks around to the end of the table where Silica's feet are trapped up in the air.

Silica: I um.. Can't see you anymore, doctor.

Monica: Oh, sorry. I guess this thing is pretty big, huh? Oh and no need to call me doctor. Just call me Monica, sweetie.

Silica: A-Alright. Anyway.. what are you doing down there?

Silica tried to see what Monica was doing, but couldn't see past the giant stocks her feet were locked into.

Monica: Oh, nothing really. I was just looking at these cute socks you have on.

Silica: M-My socks..? Um.. Thanks...

Silica blushes a little, surprised by the odd compliment.

Monica: hehe, your welcome. Anyway, I think we should run an examination just to make sure everything's okay.

Silica: O-Okay... What kind of examination?

Monica: No need to be nervous, Silica. It's actually a fun one.

Silica thinking: Does such a thing exist..?

Silica: O-Oh. Okay then.

Monica: Just tell me if you can feel this, okay?

Monica then quickly drags a finger down one of Silica's socked feet. She giggles in surprise, not expecting her to touch her feet.

Silica: hehehehee!

Monica: Oh? hehe, did that tickle?

Silica: Y-Yea.. I'm really ticklish. Please be careful!

Monica: Don't worry, I will be.

She does it again, this time on the other foot. She giggles yet again.

Silica: hehehe! I can definitely feel it! Please stop that..

Monica grins and puts down her clipboard. She then hooks one finger into each of her cute socks and begins to slowly pull them off.

Silica starts to worry as she feels this happen.

Silica: M-Monica..? W-What are you doing? Are my socks coming off..? I-I told you I could feel it! There's no need to examine my feet!

Monica: They're fine, eh? I dunno about that. They seem off to me somehow. I think I need to give them a very thorough inspection.

Monica continues to slowly pull off her socks, revealing her smooth and soft little feet. She stops eventually so the socks are only covering the balls of her feet and her toes. A good shake from Silica and she could get them off on her own. Not that she wanted them off at all in this situation.

Silica thinking: At least they're still on a little bit.. What's she doing now..?

Silica asked her just that, but there was no response from Monica. She was left without answers for a minute or two as the doctor took in the sight of Silica's cute feet. Eventually she decided to end the suspense, and she placed a single finger on each foot, not moving them at all.

Silica: O-Oh no.. M-Monica, please! My feet are fine! You don't need to inspect them! I'm so incredibly ticklish! I won't be able to handle it!

Monica: Sorry, but I'm the doctor here, and I've decided these feet of yours need a full examination. I'm sure you'll be able to handle it.

Monica grinned, then giggled as her "examination" of Silica's feet was about to begin.

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