America Route Part 4: A Gentle Caress

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-The two of you then embraced and fell asleep in each other's arms, although this would be the last time until tomorrow night, when it would be the last time for an indefinite time.-

-Sunday, 10 AM-

You woke up still embracing, and being embraced by America. Reaching up to rub the rheum from your eyes, blinking a few times as they adjusted to the morning light, your gaze immediately went to America who in this moment couldn't possibly look more content.

You were able to break free from his embrace as you wanted to shower and get cleaned up for the day. Even after exiting the bed, Al didn't stir; his relaxed hands still open, and his arms slightly outstretched. Getting on with your morning routine, it was all essentially the same, with the exception that you now began to pack two suitcases which would accompany you on your journey; the destination of which only you know, and weren't wanting to share with Al.

You packed clothes of varying kinds which were both for work and leisure, however it was strange to you that only two of your many suits would be accompanying you. While they were indeed important, they weren't what you would be wearing most of the time. As you finished packing the last few items including pictures and toiletries, you closed the lid on this suitcase, closing and locking the latches shut.

Picking the first one off the floor, and pulling the second one from on top of the dresser, you were about to turn around when two arms slinked from behind you, lovingly holding you across your chest while soft lips kissed your right ear. Al was holding you in such a gentle way as he never had before, while he rested his chin on your right shoulder while at the same time touching the right side of your face with the left side of his. Al's eyes were closed, though gentle tears streamed down his face;

"________... Please... Don't go..." he pleaded with a quietness hardly above the level of a soft caress.

You put your suitcases down, and turned around to face him, with a curled index finger cupping his chin, slightly lifting his head:

"Al, look at me." 

He opened his eyes and looked at you with both all the love and sadness any person could ever seem to carry over the course of an entire lifetime, his bottom lip trembling as if he had just lost the world forever. America's fragility in this moment seemed to suggest that if he moved even a fraction of an inch, his entire being would fall into so many pieces that even God Himself would be incapable of putting him back together.

"Do you trust me?"

"I always have, and I always will; no matter how difficult it is."

"This is where I need you to turn that to its maximum. While I can't promise you the future, I need you to place all your trust in me."

Without any deliberation, Al gave a simple nod of his head, and put his arms around you once again kissing you full on the lips, answering your request in the only way he could; had it have been with words, his crying would have made his voice break so awfully that he wouldn't have been able to even reply with that simplest of affirmations: "Yes."

After Al let you go with all of the sorrow in the universe, you went downstairs, and placed your suitcases by the door, where in under 24 hours they would disappear for what he hoped wouldn't be for an eternity.

-End of part 4.-

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