America Route Part 7: Like a River

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-You didn't think it was possible to go pale and blush simultaneously, however it seems your own physiology revealed a surprise to you, as the sheer weight and terror of what was going to happen this evening had finally made itself real.-

You couldn't eat another bite, especially with your usual uke sitting there; now smirking at you, and at his victory.

"Time to go, dude."

"Oh... God" you whispered internally. Now you were at such a place mentally that even your inner voice was wasn't at its usual volume. America stood up and walked across the table, tenderly taking your left hand in his right. You stood up, however couldn't lift your head because of your reddened face. It was at such a point that it seemed as if a small wisp of steam was emanating from the top of your head.

Just as the two of you reached the register, the familiar voices of Leslie, Denise, and Caroline greeted you.

Leslie was the first to speak, "Finished already, boys?"

America now put his right arm around you, onto your right shoulder, pulling you in closer for a squeeze:

"__________ and I are on our way home. I may be finished with breakfast, however I'm still going to eat him up."

The three women gasped, Caroline covering her mouth, while Leslie and Denise held each other's hands like they did back in high school whenever the actions of the boys around them made them have very "imaginative" thoughts.

Just as America was about to reach for his wallet, Caroline piped up, or more appropriately, squeaked out: "Uh... N-n-no, boys... No payment. Orders from the top."

America squeezed you tighter while looking Caroline dead in the eye; "Believe me, when we get home, _________ is going to have a brand new appreciation for 'orders from the top.'"

Caroline's face turned beet red before collapsing to the floor in delight, a smile on her lips despite being unconscious; while Leslie and Denise were now on their knees with an ever-growing pool of blood slowly building around them.

"Now, ladies, if you'll excuse us..."

The two of you walked out of the restaurant, though not before overhearing Leslie say swoon out, "Ahhnnn... He's an animal."

You walked over to the car, still being tightly held by America as he tapped the key fob to unlock the doors: "In you go, lover" he purred as he softly lowered you into the passenger seat: "And very shortly... I'll be going in you." He buckled you in, and softly closed the door.

After opening the driver's door, Al looked over his left shoulder to see that the growing sirens came from three ambulances:

One of the paramedics flipped his lid: "Jesus Christ!! Get as many bags of blood as possible!! We've got three women who are hemorrhaging from their noses!!"

"Heh... I've still got it."

America closed the door, and put the key into the ignition switch.

"I don't know what's harder; the steel used to make this key... or me."

If he didn't stop with the innuendos, you might be needing a blood transfusion later as well. Al started the car and backed out of the parking spot, slowly driving out of the parking lot, and onto the street for a relaxed ride home... In order to build as much anticipation as possible.

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