America Route Part 6: Reversal of Fortune

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-Only in a moment like this could America make a movie reference to the situation, and still have it be perfectly germane. After you finished collecting and composing yourself, America lovingly wrapped his arms around your left one while he tested his head on your shoulder in the complete bliss of this moment where no matter what tomorrow held, he was with you right now.-

The two of you slowly walked inside, America savoring every step with you.

The hostess greeted you with delight as it had been quite a long time since she last saw either of you:

"__________! Al! Gosh, it's been ages!"

"Hi, Caroline. It's great to be here" you replied warmly. However she wasn't the only one who was overjoyed with your presence:

"_________!!! AL!!!!" chef Leslie squealed in her girlish way. Two of the other cooks came from the kitchen to greet you as well: Denise, who recently returned from the US Culinary Institute, and Rhoda, her usually joined-at-the-hip companion.

Al looked at Denise; "Whoa! I recognize that blue ascot! Did you get promoted to sous chef?!"

"I sure did! Had a good time doing it, too!"

Al broke from embracing you to hug her; "I had no idea you were out doing that. That's awesome; you deserve it dudette!"

After he let go, you also gave her a quick embrace while giving her your utmost congratulations.

After exchanging pleasantries with Rhoda, she became slightly indignant; "Where have the two of you been? We were getting worried about you."

Leslie, Denise, and Caroline also asked for clarification as to why it had been so long between visits. After explaining your situation about working to pay off the house among other things, they went right back into how happy they were to see you again.

"Well, don't get used to it, because I'm leaving tomorrow, and I don't know when, or if I'll be back."

Their faces instantly dropped into looks of deep concern, sadness, and yet understanding. After offering their best welcomes officially back to the restaurant, Leslie and Denise excused themselves to return to the kitchen.

"Okay, boys. Let's get you sat."

Following Caroline to your usual table, you sat down and she asked if you'd both be having the buffet. After concurring, she gave a pleasant "Enjoy, boys" as she walked back to the host's podium.

After a few moments of silence, only two words crossed your lips: "Shall we?"



America stood up and made the brief walk to your chair, leaning down so that his lips were right next to your left ear, and in a sensually soft whisper purred:

"Whoever loses at eating the most while we're here................ is the uke for tonight," after which he gave you a light peck on the cheek as he walked away to the buffet line. After a small gasp, you still sat in your chair for a few moments, blushing to your ears, as you considered your boyfriend's words. Then, terror set in as you realized he was already on his second plate:

"OH, GOD!!!!!!!" you screamed internally, nearly knocking over your chair as you stood up and went with such speed to the buffet line that it would've been possible to run the hundred yard dash in less than a second had your logical thoughts not reasserted themselves at what was before you.

Just out of sight, Leslie and Denise were watching from the kitchen, unsure of what was said, however had naughty thoughts at seeing your blushing face, and the self-satisfied grin on America's face. The two fujoshi had never seen that happen to you before, and were ruminating on the possibilities when Zeke the saucier came up behind them, putting a hand on Leslie's shoulder, making her shriek in such a girly way as to make Denise scream simultaneously without knowing why.

Back in the dining room, you were still at the line with your head down, and the blush incessantly creeping over more of your face as you silently pondered your forthcoming demise at your boyfriend's hands, among other interesting body parts.

You turned back to sit down, finally reaching the table, still unable to lift your head from embarrassment, or look America in the eye. Setting the plate down, you slowly ate what you had, before realizing that your appetite had faded into nothingness.

"Done already, dude?"


"Geez dude, I thought that only Canada could be that quiet when talking."

"I-I-I'm just... full..."

Taking your empty left hand into his right, he gave a light squeeze before whispering to you:

"Tonight... you're going to find out what full really means... when I'm inside you."

You didn't think it was possible to go pale and blush simultaneously, however it seems your own physiology revealed a surprise to you, as the sheer weight and terror of what was going to happen this evening had finally made itself real.

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