America Route Part 5: Only a Soul

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-After Al let you go with all of the sorrow in the universe, you went downstairs, and placed your suitcases by the door, where in under 24 hours they would disappear for what he hoped wouldn't be for an eternity.-

Coming back upstairs, you sat on the bed, wringing your hands together in nervousness as Al was in the shower at the moment. Even with the water running, you still heard another sound emanating from behind the closed door: crying. Not just crying from more than a morsel of trepidation, there were other emotions mixed in: frustration from not knowing where you were going; sadness since Al didn't know what was coming next; and above all, heartbreak.

Oh, how present it was through his wrenching sobs! That heartbreak which only a soul in turmoil, a mind flooded, and a tender man in crisis could truly feel and so express. Even though you couldn't see them, you could only imagine the streaming tears; as heavy in salt as in feeling. This wasn't enough though as the sobs not only became heavier, though less frequent, as their intensity led to them becoming huge gulping sobs; almost reaching to the point of screaming.

There was one more thing you could sense: America was shaking like a leaf as he wept; his entire body shaking in sorrow. Oh, God, how you wanted to hold him in this moment; however you could tell that the bathroom door was locked, preventing you from entering.

After a few moments, America's sobbing finally reduced to silence; the shower still ran for another five or so minutes. Yet the time he was in there wasn't what you were concerned with; it was the fact that your boyfriend, your one and only love, had just finished bawling his eyes out in the bathroom.

Finally the water was turned off by Al, and you could hear him rustling in the bathroom as he was getting dressed. A few more moments, and the bathroom door lock clicked; the knob turned, and there was your boyfriend standing before you in his Gakuen Academy school uniform.

You froze as the two of you locked eyes: every fiber of your being seized with the fear of not knowing what to do in the moment; what to say; if you should even move an inch. Even though Al's eyes were definitely red from the tears he had shed only minutes before, he managed to give you a smile which only he, as the hero could give in this moment.

Hero though he is, he didn't feel like it in this moment, and for a long time now as he felt the control he was so accustomed to slipping through his fingers; as much as he resisted it.

While Al went to the dresser to organize a few items, your brain finally clicked back to reality as you inquired of Al:

"Are you ready, love?"

America turned his head towards you with a quizzical look on his face his hands still in the drawer he was organizing:


"That's right, hun! We're going to The Grand Chateau for brunch."

America turned his body to face you now as well.

"Really? Do ya mean it?"

His excitement was definitely palpable; if there were one way to lift America's spirits, it was food. This is especially true at his all-time favorite restaurant, and even more so for the Sunday brunch buffet!

"Shall we go then?"

You reached for the keys to the Focus which were on your nightstand, before Al ran over and snatched them from your impending grasp:

"Uh-uh, dude! I'm driving us there!"

Your face went pale with terror:

'Oh... SHIT!!' you thought to yourself as America jingled the car keys, before grasping your left hand and running down the stairs with you practically floating on the breeze from how fast he ran with you behind him.

"Waaaaaaaahhhh! America, slow down, baby!"

"Not today, dude! We're going to be first in line at the restaurant!"

Your thoughts didn't slow down during this moment of zaniness:

'This boy is going to end me before my time!!'

America threw the front door open with you still essentially flying behind him as the draft you created caused it to close and lock behind you.

America laughed in his typical tenor voice as he used the key fob to unlock the car doors, throwing you inside anime-style as both of you were now chibis to express the craziness happening right now.

"AH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!" America laughed again while he started the car and drove in his usual hyper, maniacal way as only he could. You continued to be pale even when you finally arrived at the restaurant, shaking from the adrenaline of Al's driving.

"Urrgghhhh" you groaned as the car slid into the spot Al chose, coming to a rest mere feet from the concrete footing of one of the lights in the parking lot.

"Wooo! I haven't had a fun drive like that in a while!" America exclaimed, after which he laughed again in his usual manner.

"___________, dude, are you okay?"

Without any hesitation, you quickly opened the passenger door, and stumbled to a nearby bush, vomiting violently.

"JACKPOT!!!" America exclaimed in victory.

He exited and locked the car as you slowly shuffled back to the car.

After a slow inhale, you quietly chastised Al:

"Jesus alive, Al... I'd forgotten how crazy you drive in chibi form."

"I can't help it, dude! It's kinda like what happens to Jim Carrey's character in his "The Mask" movie!"

Only in a moment like this could America make a movie reference to the situation, and still have it be perfectly germane. After you finished collecting and composing yourself, America lovingly wrapped his arms around your left one while he tested his head on your shoulder in the complete bliss of this moment where no matter what tomorrow held, he was with you right now. 

-End of part 5-

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