Chapter 1/intro-Unknowingly

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Todoroki POV:

It's after school and it is winter. 'I suppose I should go to the All Might cafe so my old man can be furious!' I thought to my self. But as I was walking by this strange building that looks somewhat like an abandoned laboratory I spot a little girl with and eye-patch on her left eye, she was running out the building then took off her eye-patch as I was about to ask why she was in there, but then I started remembering all the happy times I've spent with Midoriya and all of my happiest moments in life, a film! Wait...AM I DYING?! No, I can't die yet!

-Time Skip to the hospital because he blacked out-

"W-where am I?" I asked as I awake from the hospital bed. The doctor responded "Sir, you blacked out by an abandoned lab, and also, you were hit by a rare man-made quirk." I then asked "What kind of quirk was I hit by?". The doctor then replied "Well, we don't have very much information on the quirk you got hit by, because one it is rare, two it is man-made, and three-- well that is all the reasons why we don't know much. But, what we do know about it is that it makes you extremely clingy to the person who you are most mentally closest to, so try to stay away from your girlfriend or whatever, so there won't be any trouble. And it'll take around 24 hours to figure out how long this quirk will have effect on you." "K, thanks" I replied 'God I need to get the heck out of here before my scumbag of a father gets here!'. I hope I don't do anything weird if there is anyone who I am closest too. SHOOT MIDORIYA! I need to stay away from him, but how can I even do that, we live in the same dorm building. We are in the same class, and we eat lunch together! Tomorrow is Friday, so after school I can just stay in my dorm room. I'll let Mr. Aizawa know, and I'll say I won't be going tomorrow and I'll stay in my room and someone can let me know what we did in class on Friday, well, tomorrow. It'll take about 24 hours from now to know how long this will last. Hopefully I don't pull anything stupid, heck I don't feel a thing is wrong right now! But it might be one of those things where when you see the person or make eye contact with them and then you just are a completely different person, so I can't go near Midoriya, I have to avoid him. Since I've arrived right back here to the U.A. dorms I NEED to get to my room fast! The coast is clear so I bolt up the stairs to my room "few!" I sigh in relief. I didn't see Midoriya! Okay good thing I have Mr. Aizawa's number so that I can let him know that one, I'm not gonna be there tomorrow and two send him a picture of the papers from the doctor. "What a long day"

---------That is the End of Chapter 1, I apologize if this is crappy, you don't have to stay till the end--------------

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