Chapter 4: -{( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)}-

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Guys, before we get into this chapter um, this is pretty graphic, um...if you are under the age of 13 I highly suggest you click off...OK well umm, on with this story UwU.......

Todoroki POV: Last night I made-out with Midoriya. AGAIN. Why do he continuously come to my dorm, he knows that I don't have an control over my body and what I do to him, especially now when he comes near me. Does he know secretly that I'm in-love with him? Is he doing this to somehow play with my feelings towards him? No, that doesn't sound like him. It was so hard to control myself to be only making out with him yesterday because of this STUPID FRICKING QUIRK!! DAMN IT!! Woah, I'm starting to sound like Bakugo! But I cuss less than him, and I love Midoriya. "I NEED TO-!" I start yelling at myself as Midoriya barges in and locks the door behind him. I can't hold back anymore! I loose control.

-------Peaceful reminder, if you have come this far and you are under 13 I suggest you click off, but it is your decision weather you stay or not it is up to you anyways...continuing---------

Midoriya POV: 'For some reason I need to go to Todoroki's dorm!' I think as I barge into his dorm. As soon as I lock myself in I lock lips with Todoroki, his tongue dancing with mine. I feel him stripping my clothes as I tear off his. Todoroki pushes me to his bed while our lips are still locked as our tongues tangle with each other. His warm hand moves down from my chin to my chest down to my groin. As he squeezes it our lips break apart I moan out "S-sh-Sho.....ngh!..ah~~~!" He sucks my neck as we cum. He leaves me a second hickey on my neck as he grinds deeper and deeper, faster and faster! "Aaaahhh..~" I moan out in joy as he sucks my dick. And licks it like it is the best lolli-pop in the world. 'Why did I "cum" back, but ah~ this feels so, good~ WAIT I JUST REALIZED I AM NO LONGER A VIRGIN! Crap!' I think to myself as I'm sucking Todoroki's nipple. 

----PAUSE---- Shrex on a Sunday ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)----UN-PAUSE----

(Still on Midoriya POV): "*Huff Huff*" My whole body is numbed. I can hardly even walk! Todoroki is out on top of me, so cute. :). "Oh shoot! It is 11:30 pm!I have school tomorrow." I say in my quietest voice as possible. I put on my clothes, snuck down to the kitchen to grab katsudon (Pork cutlet bowl) to find Kirishima topping Kacchan on the couch! I always thought that Kacchan was a top! 🤭😂! Kacchan than whisper yells to me "Damn Deku don't tell anyone about this or I'll yeet you out the window of existence!" I respond with "Don't worry your 'bottom' secret is safe with me." [owo] as I giggle. I hear him say to his top "Babe~ Can I kill him~?" Wait he is asking? Usually he just goes straight in for the kill! I am beyond shocked! Kirishima saves may booty and says "Not unless you fine with not kissing me for 1 month." "That'll be torture for you too~" Kacchan says whining "I have a body pillow!" Kirishima says. "Well, Ima grab my katsudon from the freezer! Have fun with your top Kacchan!" I say mockingly. I head up to my dorm to find Todoroki sniffing the clothes in my closet. My ass still hurts, I can still barely walk, but I can't again, not now. So I head to Todoroki's dorm because he is in my dorm and I lock his door with only me in here. I eat my katsudon than crash out.

 I eat my katsudon than crash out

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----Monday morning----

I couldn't believe my eyes! As soon as I woke up Todoroki was out next to me! Ok, I need to get my clothes on- wait today is the begin of winter break! I can stay here until the day after New Years' ! Well, I still have to eat so..But I can spend as much time with Todoroki as I want! I wake up Todoroki with a good morning french kiss. "Ngh~ Izu~ It's too early~ lemme sleep a bit longer~" He, he sounds like a little child! So cute! I then say to him in a kinda shy voice to get him up and awake "But babe~ Don't you want kisses~?" "KISSES!?~" He instantly wakes up and looks as if he was a puppy and was wagging his little tail as he licked my lips. He got on top of me and did me like there was no tomorrow.

Uraraka POV: Hmm, I wonder what Deku's plans are for winter break! Maybe I could finally ask him out! Wait no, I have one focus and one focus only! Becoming a future pro hero and make tons and tons of money so my entire family doesn't have to work and can live comfortably without having to lift a finger! "Hey Uraraka! Are you thinking about Midoriya~?" Mina teases. "No. I only have one focus. To become a pro!" I should't think about anything else other than that. I have to train more! Harder that Deku!

--Pause "Harder than Deku" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I apologize but I didn't mean that in a dirty sexual way Continuing--

Mina POV: It is obvious that Uraraka wants to become a pro, but she also really likes Midoriya. But at the same time I am a shipper, I'm considering Midoriya's feelings too. He may seem embarrassed to talk to Uraraka but, it is because she was the first girl to talk to Midoriya. It can become obvious to just about anyone that Todoroki also likes Midoriya. But Midoriya is hard to predict on who he likes, romantically, to some people. Luckily, I am a shipping expert! There are so many small ways to tell that Midoriya is in-complete-love with Todoroki! But how do I tell Uraraka? I know she wants to be a pro but Midoriya has also made her a lot stronger in a lot of ways, but her knowing about the fact that her crush is gay would break her heart and it might also break her. Now life is 1 million times more difficult! But it also seems Uraraka likes Tsu and Ida. Hm...Which is best for her? Who likes her more? Well, I know Tsu has a little crush on Uraraka but Ida is asexual, so no chance with him. NEW PEOPLE TO SHIP YAS! Now I just need to let Uraraka down easily about Midoriya or just have Tsu ask Uraraka out!

-Whew end of chapter 4 finally! Well Morning/Evening/Night whatever wherever you call it that took a while anyways bye hoped y'all enjoyed it!-

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