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Instafriends are mostly not real friends but infact strangers yet the closest I'm gunna get to friends.

u could also count my whattsapp friends,I talk to them about my problems but the only problem with that is they know me so if they don't like something I say then they can just choose to never talk to me again over a text misunderstanding and let me tell you,I have way to many misunderstandings when talking let alone texting!

i already have lost enough friends over misunderstandings (normally leading to bullying or becoming friends with the bullies as they misunderstood who you really are but now I have to keep a appearance up that I am social as this is a very social time,guess I'm just not a very teen type teenager...

...I would rather read than socialise,i would rather be in my imaginary world with my imaginary friends who i can stop making confutation with living in denial than talking to real people and real friends in the real world with there problems or emotions and ideas about changing you!...

And there goes my mind once more.when my mind is angry at the world it speaks as me but as soon as I do something wrong it betrays itself instead, starting on me saying...

...the reason you don't have friends is because your TOO frightened of what they want from this friendship,pushing them away from EVER wanting to talk to you!..

Well thanks for that insightful declaration of why I can't make friends mind

A bit too much?

Yeh,maby just


Let's just end this for today

Hai everyone,hope u liked my lovely first chapter with my lovely first character!

(Firstly,I need to know what to change,what u liked... FEEDBACK)

Thnx for reading this,greatly apreceated!


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