Let me explain

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Hi, I'm lib (Libby or as my annoying parents like to call me ELISABETH)
I live in England,want to move to Australia but that'll never gunna happen so I have given up on that as well as all over dreams...

I daydream alot,well that's what my parents and teachers say.I don't see it as daydreaming if I don't dream any more but there the experts of life so who am I to judge (note the sarcasm?).

I have always kinda had that sense of humour,lucky as it replaced my emotions from a unlucky life when I was 9,some would say better but I call it terribly worse... I wish I had more emotions as sometimes there needed.

You see,I met a boy,that's the lucky part but the not so lucky part is that he had a Tinny squeaking blond who caused the whole assumption that all bloods r dum even tho the dumb blonds like her were actually naturally BRUNETTES!!!

I will stop now tho as I wouldn't want to ruin the story for you because then there is no point of me divulging so much for you to feel the emotions for me.

I should probably continue about what happened after the fist...

Need followers and READERS!!!

And yes,this is just a leanthyer version of my blurb thingy,please comment what it's called so I can correct it as I'm rubbish at this stuff.


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