Oh so complex

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I was confused,mostly at what was happening but also of why someone want to kiss me!

Well that was not answered due to the action shortly ending when a voice was heard...

'What?no!why?I'm leaving' followed from the random boy who just kissed me running after him shouting 'wait,stop!' yet even more confused I could only be certain of one thing,this is not a good start!


Those eyes,her eyes...I was transfixed in them,I couldn't move.i was almost out of my trance when her eyes suddenly disappeared.

I widened my eyes to be blinded my the fake blond hair of my girlfriends hair swinging in the spot where my mystery girl was,I almost got transfixed once more at the new position the girl was until I saw blood coming from her small bottom nose and then that disappeared with the rest of her body down the hall.

It only just registered through my brain,my girlfriend just hit that girl,that girl who I tripped up and should be getting an apology,not assaulting.

'Well that stopped her from eying up my boy!' After hearing that, strait away I sprung up with anger blazing,looking at my girlfriend pulling a pout with crocodile tears streaming down her face,many of the football team consoling her,not believing it tho I swivelled in search for mystery girl...

Seeing the metal door open I speed walk towards it,that girl was so beautiful and so innocent,how do I know,I could see it in her eyes.despite her innocence tho MY girlfriend hit her for my mistake,I can't even believe I would go out with someone like that,I would so rather be with someone like HER!innocent,naturally beautiful,the list goes on.

I must find that girl and console her as she must be so confused right now,I would be... Or maybe not!

There she is standing,right I front of me,snogging my best friend,he is the total opposite to me,handsome,muscular,everything a girl like her wants,yet I want that to be me.

'Wait,what,why?'I speak my mind 'no' falls out of my mouth startling them both,then my mind just blanks,I keep talking while walking away... Why would I think she would like me,we only just met and I'm nothing like HIM!

I run out of school and to my personal cool down spot,my head hitting rationality now,I have a girlfriend who stuck up for me when I'm looking at another girl who is obviously looking at my best friend instead,obviously I was wrong about her...

POV:Ross(Danny's best friend)

Yes,my plan worked,I got my revenge at last,he stole my girl so I steal his before he gets the chance,now all I have to do is tell becks that her boyfriend went after this newbie who snogged me randomly when I tried to see if she was ok,I ow this girl,Danny's heart is broken and newbie already has her place,being a boyfriend stealer,no one will want her so no one will ever find out the truth!
Wow,so sorry bout being a rubbish writer,hope u liked it and leave a comment


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