Lizzie's secret revealed

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'You know I made a bet with Kaleb' He said to Lizzie.

'Oh really and what was that bet?' Lizzie examined, looking into his sparkly perfect to her  MG eyes.

'That I will say no for a whole semester and he will say Yes to never giving up on Landon' He licks his ice cream quickly before it melts.

Lizzie looks down.

'What is it Lizzie' He asks, worried.

'Oh nothing, it reminds me of my semester of Yes' Lizzie has another lick of her ice cream.

'Oh yes I remember that fondly' He laughs.

'Hey MG I heard about what happened between you and Alyssa and you didn't deserve that. If you want I can by all means set both the she devil and Jed on fire if you want' Lizzie steered.

'Nah it's okay and no I don't want you to kill anyone for me' He pouted.

'You deserve someone who cares for you, someone who puts your feelings above their own despite of what they may feel because they care about you too. Even if it hurts they wants what's best for you and just want you to be happy. That person may be closer than you think.' Lizzie voiced looking into his eyes then back to finishing off her ice cream before it starts melting away.

'Oh well thankyou Lizzie it means a lot' He articulated, grabbing a hold of her hand in a gentleman friendly manner.

They both lick their ice cream.

'You know I had this conversation with Kaleb and usually he is right but he is wrong about this one.' By that time MG ice cream is all one.

'What did he say' Lizzie inquired, her  ice cream was almost gone.

'I told him about the conversation that me and you had when we were astral projecting in the prison world how you were talking about what Alyssa swooped in and did before you had the courage to stop her. I told him you were talking about the ascendant but Kaleb told me I was stupid that I was in denial cause he thinks you like me. Like after all this time its impossible because you're Lizzie Saltzman so how could it be possible that you like me- Milton Creasley. Tell me that isn't nuts to you.' He is straight forward with his answer as he laughs.

Lizzie finishes off her ice cream and doesn't respond and is silent until she finally picks up the courage to respond to him.

'I can't because what Kaleb said is true. It isn't nuts it's true' Lizzie eyes are almost watering.

'Wait what!' MG said, looking bewildered. 

'I saw what happened that day. I was about to approach you to tell you how I felt but then I saw you and Alyssa-kissing' Lizzie looks down and laughs nervously like she is about to have a panic attack.

'Erm wait wait up Pedro !' MG face is in consternation for the news that was just revealed, after all this time he has finally won Lizzie over but he doesn't know if it's too late like he has missed his chance. He sprints to Pedro, leaving Lizzie on the bench all by herself.

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