Chapter 1

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The birds, a sign that it was greenleaf, would chirp endlessly. This chirping would wake the four and a half moon kit up.

Tawnykit would stretch happily, revelling in the warmth of greenleaf. She'd notice her sister, Amberkit was still sleeping, so the brown tortoiseshell kit would sit down, and wash herself, waiting for her sister to wake up. After a few minutes, Tawnykit was bored, so she'd prod her sister and meow jokingly, "Hey Amberkit! Are you a dormouse or something?"

Amberkit would sit up, her fur on end "Wha-!"
"It's only me silly!" Tawnykit would meow, laughing, only stopping when she realised that her sister was smiling, yet crying too. "Hey, you okay Amberkit? You know I didn't mean to scare you, right?"
"Yeah, sorry" Amberkit would meow, "I'm just still a bit tired."

"It's fine, I shouldn't have woken you." Tawnykit would meow, embarrassed. "Go back to sleep now if you want, I don't mind"

"Nah!" Amberkit would meow, tiredness suddenly forgotten, "I mean, who would you play with?" Tawnykit would look at Rosekit, her and Amberkit's adopted sister, who was still fast asleep. "True, wanna go outside?" Tawnykit meowed happily "Yeah, let's" Amberkit replied, "Race you to the freshkillpile!" "Your on!" Tawnykit meowed happily, she loved to race. The two kits would run out of nursery. Tawnykit would be in the lead, until at the last second, Amberkit shot ahead like a bullet, and careered straight into the freshkillpile, causing a mouse to fall off, and land on Amberkit's back. Amberkit would look at it, surprise showing on her face, then she'd start to laugh.  Tawnykit would join in.

While the two kits were laughing, and amused voice spoke behind them, "I've never seen the freshkillpile attack a kit before!" Tawnykit would turn around, "Oh! Cherrystar!" Cherrystar would look at Tawnykit with laughter in her eyes, "What happened?" she asked. Amberkit would reply, trying her hardest not to laugh,"We were having a race to the freshkillpile, and well.. um.. I beat Tawnykit, but I ran right into the freshkillpile, and the mouse fell on me." All three cats would laugh, and once they had stopped, the ThunderClan leader would say,"Well, why don't you and Tawnykit share the mouse that fell on you Amberkit?" pointing at the mouse with her tail. "Good idea!" Amberkit meowed, picking up the mouse, and heading towards the nursery, with Tawnykit at her paws. Cherrystar would sit where she was, until the two kits had eaten their fresh-kill and gone back to the nursery, then she would go to her den. "There's something special about those two kits..." Cherrystar thought.

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