Chapter 3

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Tawnykit would stand still, staring at her sister, then rush over. When she got to her sister's side, she meowed urgently, "Amberkit! What happened!? Are you alright?"
Amberkit would moan,"I-I don't feel well Tawnykit.."

"Okay, I will go get Pebblewhisker" Tawnykit meowed, rushing off. She'd arrive at the entrance to the medicine den, and poke her head inside, and then yowl into the den,"Pebblewhisker?! Cloverpaw?! Anyone in there?" Tawnykit would then sit outside the medicine den, and wait.

Cloverpaw, Pebblewhisker's apprentice, would appear from the den, and see Tawnykit, "What is it Tawnykit?"
"It's Amberkit! She doesn't feel well, can you help?"
"Sure, let me get Pebblewhisker" Cloverpaw meowed, heading back into the medicine den.
"Don't be long!" Tawnykit meowed impatiently, her sister was ill, she didn't want to wait.

Fortunately, Cloverpaw and Pebblewhisker were not long, and Tawnykit saw Pebblewhisker shoot out of the medicine den, and look around.
"She's over there" Tawnykit meowed worriedly, pointing with her tail to where Amberkit lay, unmoving. Pebblewhisker would nod briefly, then run over to Amberkit, Cloverpaw right behind her.
Tawnykit would stay where she was, and wait for the medicine cats to come back.

After a while, Pebblewhisker approached the medicine den with Amberkit held gently by her scruff. Tawnykit would rush over, "I-is Amberkit okay..?" Tawnykit would meow worriedly.

But Pebblewhisker would just ignore the brown she cat, instead focusing on dropping Amberkit in a soft, cold mossy nest in the medicine den. Once Pebblewhisker had done that, she'd turn to Tawnykit, and meow sadly, "You will need to stay away from Amberkit for a while, she has greencough."

Tawnykit would meow sadly, "O-okay.." The lavender eyes she cat would head to the entrance of the den, then look back over her shoulder,"A-Amberkit will get better..... right?"

Pebblewhisker would see the pain and sadness in the young kit's eyes, and meowed comfortingly to Tawnykit,"I'm sure she will. Now why don't you go back to the nursery? I'm sure Rosekit wonders where you are"

"Yeah... your right." Tawnykit meowed, heading out of the den with one last worried glance at Amberkit.

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