Chapter 2

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Tawnykit and Amberkit would head to the nursery, to eat the mouse. They'd both sit down and share the mouse, and when they had done, Amberkit stood up.

"I'm full of energy now!" She meowed to Tawnykit, racing back out of the nursery.
"Me too!" Tawnykit replied, "Hey wait up Amberkit!!!!"

Tawnykit would walk slowly out of the nursery, and sit down at the entrance. She'd wash herself, while watching Amberkit running around. Amberkit would see her sister, and head over, meowing "Hey Tawnykit, you coming?"
"Yeah in a minute" Tawnykit replied while washing behind her ears. 

Once Tawnykit had finished washing, the two kits would pad over to a shaded spot near the edge of camp, and chase each other around. After a while, Tawnykit would flop down on the cool grass, watching the entrance to camp, Cherrystar had sent out a hunting patrol not long ago. 
"The hunting patrol should be back soon." Tawnykit thought.

As Tawnykit thought this, there was a rustling at the entrance of camp, and four cats padded out. These four cats were, Daisypaw and her mentor, Specklefur, as well as Mousetail and Ivysky, Tawnykit noted, padding towards the hunting patrol.

All four cats were holding plenty of prey in their jaws, but as Tawnykit stealthily approached, Daisypaw put the prey she was holding on the ground, and meowed, "Oh! Tawnykit, don't scare me like that please"
"Sorry Daisypaw!" Tawnykit would mew, sheepishly.

"Take your fresh-kill to the elders Daisypaw." A voice sounded behind Daisypaw, and Tawnykit would look up to see
Daisypaw's mentor, Specklefur.

As Daisypaw headed to the elder's den, and the other cats went to either eat some fresh-kill or put it on the freshkillpile, Specklefur would turn to Tawnykit, "Where's Amberkit? The two of you are usually inseparable!"
"Oh, she's over there" Tawnykit meowed, pointing with her tail to the shaded area where she and Amberkit were playing earlier.
"Ahh okay!" Specklefur would meow, "Well I'd best be putting this fresh-kill on the pile. Or would you and Amberkit like it?"
"No thank you Specklefur, me and Amberkit have already eaten."
"Okay then." Specklefur meowed padding towards the freshkillpile, "I will take this lot to the freshkillpile then."

Tawnykit would watch Specklefur until she had disappeared into the warriors den, then turn back to where she had left Amberkit. She could see her sister chasing her tail around in circles, and was about to go join her when she saw Amberkit fall over, and not get up.

Something was wrong!

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