chapter five

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The thing about Evie Cassadee was that she didn't hate a lot of things

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The thing about Evie Cassadee was that she didn't hate a lot of things. She just didn't find it in her to care enough to label the word "hate" on the things she disliked. However if there was one thing that Evie hated it was the buy a basket event that took place every year in the town of Stars Hollow . Look it wasn't as if she hated all town events, in fact she loved them . From the the atmosphere to attending with her siblings who were always ecstatic about going- she always enjoyed them. But the buy a basket event? That was the one thing she dreaded and the one thing she would never stop hating- or at least that's what she thought.

To be frank all this event reminded her of was her parents and that was where the hatred stemmed from. According to her mother- the even was actually where her and her father had met and supposedly "fallen in love," her father had bought her mother's basket and always said that her amazing cooking was what drew him to her. Her mother would then say it was her fathers sweet spirit that drew her to him. The cooking and sweet spirit apparently weren't enough to actually keep them together and raise their families- it wasn't enough for anything . So in Evie's opinion the whole "falling in love through a basket" idea - was absolute bullshit. However her siblings- specifically Landon and Ana? they loved it. Which was how Evie found herself hear.

Doose's Market was filled to the the brim with everyone there to buy their baskets and Ana was ecstatic. Bouncing up and down she practically ran through the store grab every possible item she could before returning and tossing them in the basket. Landon would follow, grabbing items that didn't exactly fit within the basket and tossing them in as well and all Evie could do was smile and watch.

"You kids know that there's no way we can afford all of this right?" Her voice held amusement while she tilted her head looking at the dozen or so chocolate bars that Ana had piled in. There was no actual food- only candy and it was clear that this basket was everything that Ana wanted- not for the actual event.

"Please Evie? You promised us chocolate the other day and we haven't gotten it?" Landon's voice interrupted Evie's train of thought and the girl smiled lightly at the pleading lol in his eyes so after a moment she gave in.

"Use Asher's discount - you can get one candy bar each no more - no less okay?" Within seconds her youngest two siblings had wrapped their arms around them and she chuckled pressing a few gentle kisses to the top of their hair. "Now come on- I need to pick out some actual food for this." And with that they let go of her grabbing their candies before going off to the cash register with the cash that Evie handed them. Letting out a sigh she shook her head slightly but still had a hint of a smile as she went to grab the food she needed.

In the end the basket she filled was practically empty. She had tried to fill it - but in the end the budget she had outweighed the possibilities. So the most she had been able to afford was a bag of no name chips, something called "Dr. Cola?". and that was about it. Her stomach had practically dropped when Dean told her the other stuff she picked out was so expensive so in the end she was just thinking of dropping out. Except - at that exact moment Ana appeared holding cash and a smile on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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