Dirty, but cute

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The football competition is just a month away, and as captain, No needs to make sure that everyone's ready. Techno has been spending time doing one-on-one sessions with all of the members. This time, it's Can's turn.

Can is spending his whole afternoon practicing football with Techno. Both of them have been doing different drills for an hour now.

"Why are you running like that?" Techno asked Can after he tried kicking the ball into the goal.

"I'm so tired. I've been practicing for a while already. It's raining too". Can answered.

"Stop complaining. If you want to be the first-choice lineup, you have to do this". Techno wanting Can to understand why he needs to practice hard.

"Are you sure that you're not taking revenge on me?" Can asked suspiciously.

Can has been bugging Techno ever since he started joining the football team. He always asks his Captain to treat him lunch or buy him snacks. And since Can have a huge appetite, Techno ends up spending most of his allowance for Can's food. Now, Can thinks that Techno is probably seeking revenge because of this.

"Hmmmm. Well I'm sure you won't do that. A respectful captain like you?". Can immediately followed his suspicious statement with a little sugarcoating.

"I'm not. I just want to help you. It's my job as a captain and your senior". Techno answered dubiously.

In reality, Techno is doing both. Yes, he's sort of seeking revenge to Can for always giving him a hard time. However, he also wants Can to step up and do well in the game. Techno knows that Can is a great player. But, he has this habit of being lazy and not focusing on drills. As much as he wants to give Can an ordeal, he's more into finding ways to build up his member for the betterment of the team.

"By the way, where's Ae? He's been missing practice for days now?". Techno inquisitively asked Can as his eyes wonder to make sure if ge attended the practice or not.

"He's probably with Pete now like he's always been ever since they met." Can said in a very strange tone.

"I think there's more to those two than being friends. Ae and I have been friends longer than him and Pete. But, I have never experienced Ae being caring and protective to me like he's been doing to Pete. Don't you think it's a little suspicious, phi? Maybe they're more than friends?". Can asked Techno like he's looking for someone to validate his suspicion.

"Pete is a nice guy. He and Ae get along pretty well. I think he is a breathe of fresh air for him. It is something we all need once in a while. Also, being with people like us all the time can sometimes be fatal. Look at me being stuck with you because I don't have a choice. Hahaha. Let Ae enjoy the company of his new friend. We had him for more than enough already". Techno jokingly said to Can.

"I'm not against it, Phi. I'm happy even if they're always together. I also want them to comfortably show it and not be bothered by what others think. And if they end up dating, I will support them. I just miss my friend. I miss practicing with him". Can responded back.

"Right, phi. Since we're talking about falling in love? Have you experience having a crush or falling for some?" Can blurted out the unexpected question out of nowhere.

Techno was caught off guard with Can's question. Recently, he's been thinking of someone that is starting to be special to him. However, due to an unfortunate situation, it is not easy for him to just be okay with that person. Techno is still weighing on things to think clearly.  Because of this, he felt very unsettled and decided to just end the practice leaving Can alone.

"I will go pack my stuff now, Can. I'll go first". Techno bid his farewell.

"Phi No!!!" Can shouted.
"You said you'll buy me lunch?" Can is like a kid throwing tantrums in the field when Techno didn't look back after he made his promise. Disappointed, Can sat on the grass and rest for brief moment before taking a shower.

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