🪐Chapter Six🪐

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"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person"


Chapter Six



Dewla'tanish - Wedding (lit. heart intertwining)

Rowuk - Bitch/bastard

Ejo - Mom/Mother

Gysk - Dad/Father

A ishsdu hew ol pesr - I missed you so much (informal greeting)

Na ip - Us too

Neod - A romantic term of endearment roughly translating to 'Honey'

Vaun'yuren - Pregnant (lit. baby carrying)

Wurn - Shit

Cligag moonex - Goodnight

Hewul uwepnus - Your majesties

Adieb - A sacred paint used in weddings. Permanently marks Otha skin 

Ika - Come/Approach

Ni fah esertyu. Ni fuyt ownsiz zawergab. Ni fuyt xanish i rufasl oyat zawergab. Zu vust'lume jaux ik hew. - We are equals. We will fight together. We will build a strong life together. My love is promised to your soul. (Othanian wedding vows. The most sacred part of the ceremony)

Zu vust'lume jaux ik hew - My love is promised to your soul (Romantic version of 'I love you' and a part of wedding vows - to be taken seriously)

Quin'jes - Literally "little Quin", 'jes can be added to many words to add 'little' to it. Can be affectionate or insulting based on the context.


"Are you sure there isn't a catch, Master?"

Obi-Wan sighed and sent you a long-suffering look. You chuckled and turned back to your comm where you were rapidly messaging your sister.

"No, my young Padawan. There is no catch. For the next week, you can spend every day with your mother, whether she visits Inrichi or you visit her in Nalov. I would like for you to keep up with your training and practice your katas in the mornings and meditate at night, but this time is truly yours."

Anakin beamed, and became so happy he couldn't contain his emotions. It didn't help that a lot of what you all felt leaked through the familial bond you shared unless you were focused on shielding it.

(5 years ago when the bond formed you researched what it meant. You came upon a Force technique used before the rule against attachment was put into place. A familial bond. As the name suggested, it often formed among Force-sensitive families as a way to remain close and make sure everyone was safe. It was more powerful than a training bond, and infinitely more useful.)

"What will you and (Y/n) be doing, Master?" Anakin asked - having become comfortable with the title 3 years ago when he was 11.

"(Y/n) will be visiting with her family and continuing her lessons. I will be meeting with many of the dignitaries and exploring the planet. This is as much of a vacation for you as it is for me."

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